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Tyler's POV

I woke up it was about 7 am since I was right outside the high school I didn't need to rush. I assumed Lexi already went to school since she wasn't there in the apartment. I took a quick shower grabbed a 5 from Lexi's wallet, I grabbed my keys walked out and locked the door. I waved to the lady behind the counter and when I walked out the door I saw Lexi's car parked in the front. I got into my truck and drove to school. I saw Tony at her locker looking just as confused as I was, I rushed over to her placing my hand on her shoulder. 

"Did you drive Lexi to school today." I was panicked I didn't know where Lexi was, I was hoping Tony knew where she was.

"No, I thought you were with her last night." She spoke softly. I could see a fear expression form on her face.

"We fell asleep on her couch and when I woke up she was gone." I couldn't breathe at this point. So I walked into the unisex bathroom and called Lexi.

"Lexi, oh my gosh are you okay," I said trying to be calm and soft, trying not to worry her.

"Oh, hunny must suck to be you. You're a heavy sleeper. Yeah, I took Lexi in her sleep last night, but that little bitch got away and is in the hospital. Have a nice day dweeb." The phone went dead. Lexi's in the hospital. I ran down the hallway out the door. I quickly pulled my keys out of my pocket and drove to the hospital. I rushed down the freeway, knowing the hospital wasn't to far from the school. I got off at my exit and pulled into paid parking, I pulled into the parking lot and parked like a douche. I got out of my truck, locking the doors and running into the building panting as I held onto the edge of the front desk.

"I'm here to see Lexi Porter." I said out of breathing

"Down the hall to the left room 224." The girl said not even looking up from the computer in front of her. I walked down the hallway and stood in front of the door. I saw a doctor walk by and I grabbed his shoulder.

"What happened to her?" I said, tears forming in my eyes. The doctor opened the door and led me inside.

"Are you family?" The doctor said holding paper. I couldn't tell the doctor what I really was in Lexi's life or he wouldn't tell me anything

"Yes I'm her brother," I lied. 

"Well Mr.Porter, she jumped out the back of a van last night. She has a bruised skull, a broken leg, and a displaced pelvis. It's going to take a while to recover but she'll be fine, she's gonna make a full recovery. The only downside is that her memory might be a little messed up, but you'll have to help her with pictures and videos." The doctor put the paper back in the bin by the door and looked at me.

"Thank you doctor," I said sitting in the chair next to the bed. I looked at her laying there, all these wires attached to her. I hated to see her like this, hurt, broken, not well. It worried me that this stalker, creep whatever he is, had this kind of power over us, I'm gonna kill him I thought. I laid a kiss on her forehead and walked out. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and got into my truck and drove to the police station. This guy is taking things way to far. I pulled into a parking spot and trudged inside.

"I'm here for Lexi Porter's report," I said slamming my hands on the front desk.

"I'm sorry who are you?" The guys said while flipping through papers.

"I'm Tyler Hopkins, Lexi's boyfriend. I'm here in regards to Lexi Porter's report on her kidnapping last night." I said my voice started to carry.

"Alright follow me." The guy said. "I'm Chaplin. I'll be the person you wanna go to when figuring out stuff like this. Here is the file they put away last night. They found the van and got the license plate, but it didn't run correctly" Chaplin said. He kept digging for more paper.

"So what are they planning on doing?" I said still flipping through the file.

"Well, we got the patrol around that general area that Lexi called from. They found all of this and the guys van. We still have people driving up and down the roads trying to find any houses, but they couldn't find anything." He sat down in the chair across from me.

"Are you sure they looked enough?" I said closing the file, but taking a picture of the location.

"No, but I wouldn't go back there, you never know what's going to happen." He said reassuring me.

"No I need to help my girl and figure this out, I'll call if I find something or need back up," I said standing up and walking out the door. I got into my pickup truck and drove home. 


"Where have you been?" Tony greeted me at the door with a hug. "I was worried about you." She said pulling away from me.

"I went to the hospital to see Lexi and then I went to the police station. I found out what happened, but I'll leave that to Lexi to tell you." I said walking out into the garage.

"No Tyler you need to tell me now, what happened?" She said getting louder.

"Tony listen to me, you don't want to know what really happened. I'll just tell you she's not doing good. The best thing you could do is to go visit her, ok now leave me alone." I said through my teeth, I was trying to get my dirt bike in the bed of my truck. I closed the garage and drove away to that location they found Lexi. I park in the parking lot that was right outside of the trail. I placed my dirt bike in the ground strapped on my helmet and rode into the trail. 


6 minutes go past and still there was nothing. I drove a little bit further and saw two trails. One was blocked off with a police car, there was no one in it. The other one was open, I turned down the open trail and took off. It took me about 2 minutes to get to a house with plenty of open land. I drove a little further and found a dead end. This was the only house on the trail. This house looked familiar to me. This was Lexi's old home, where she lived with her parents and her adopted brother. Lexi never talked about her older brother, Max. He ran away after her parents passed away and she hadn't heard from him since. Was he the one making all the threats. I walked up the driveway, there was a perfectly planted garden, but the house was a mess. I knocked on the door and waited. About a minutes go by and I hear footsteps coming from behind the door.

"Hello?" I said grabbing the door handle. I twisted it and the door opened. I pushed the door and dust flew up in the air. "Is anyone there?" I said calling out again into what seemed like the bare silence. A hand gripped my wrist. I yanked down hard pulling the person closer and I punched him. I grabbed the collar of his shirt picked him up and threw him out the door.

"Was that necessary?" The voice was deep and soft as Lexi explained it. I stood over his body and flipped him over.


My Best Friends Brother✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora