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Yea sorry guys. Last chapter. Or is it? Also I'd like to thank all of you for reading this garbage book, I really appreciate it.

- Your Cash Trash boi


3rd P.O.V

Camelot's people were happier than they could ever be. Food was abundant and every fortnight magic festivals were held for the entertainment of the regular villager. Tension was lifted between many kingdoms as King Merlin had decided peace was the only option.

Speaking of King Merlin, Arthur had requested approval from Gwen to divorce in order to make room for his soulmate. Gwen was more than happy to step down as her ship of 2 years had finally sailed.

The towns folk did not make a fuss over the new laws of magic and LGBT+ relationships as Merlin had perfectly demonstrated how good they could be.

Merlin's royal ceremony was held later that month. To celebrate, Arthur set up a romantic picnic in the middle of the woods with grand approval from Merlin.

As for how both of them managed to live after their souls had been extracted, Kilgharrah confessed to being their saviour.

"Shortly after both of you fell unconscious I set the nymph alight and exchanged her soul for yours," he spoke in a rather proud tone.
Merlin didn't take too kindly to this "Why would you do su-" he was cut off by Arthur's abrupt kiss.

"Merlin I don't care, you are alive and rightfully so. Don't think less of yourself." Merlin loved Arthur's new found loving side.

Merlin had then spent years on finding an old magic to keep Arthur's mortal soul alive for ever. Camelot's peace reigned for the rest of its existence.

The young couple you see often at coffee shops were once kings. In a trance of everlasting love. Like magic.


Keep an eye open for my next book, possibly a soulmate au.

Smell ya later dorks.

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