The Mirror

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Merlin's P.O.V

It's cold. I'm cold. So cold I can barely feel the pain in my left leg. My breath is taken away again. I struggle to get my eyelids to stay up. It's a bit dark. I heave my arms up to allow me to sit properly. Still really dark. I make a fire in the palm of my hand and allow my eyes to adjust.

My leg. I notice a thick branch lodged into my thigh. The full pain suddenly kicks in. I struggle to keep my artificial fire lit as I remove the object. Blood is gushing out. Great.

I sit in awe at the pain in my leg. I can't bring myself to move. A wave crashed into my body, cleaning the wound in the process. Water?

I assess my surroundings. I'm at the ocean. However that's not the weirdest part of this situation...

Arthur's P.O.V

I wake more gracefully then I did the previous day. Less struggle. This time I'm not in my chambers. The surface I'm lying in feels like rock. I sit up.

Low roof. Wooden bookshelf. Single bed. I'm in Merlin's room. I hear voices outside the door. Gaius? I thought he left?

They get louder. I suppose they're coming to Merlin's room. I have a sudden urge to pretend to be asleep again. I don't want to talk to Gaius right now.

The small door creaks open and I hear Gaius sigh in defeat. It worked. The door closes again and I wait a bit before I get up again.

The room still smells like Merlin. I might ask Gaius if I can keep something of his.

Behind Merlin's door is a rack holding 2 red neckerchiefs and 1 faded blue one. I make my way over to them.

The fabric feels worn when I pick up a red one. It invites me to put it on and I happily comply.

After adjusting the neckerchief I assess the new found look in the mirror. Hah! I look like a servant.

A whisper shocks me out of my thoughts.
I fall over.
"Merlin?" I ask to no one.

"Arthur?" Gaius opens the door and sees me on the floor.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Sire" He jokes. Though right now a laugh is the last thing I need.

Leon pops his head through the door now. "Sire!" His eyes light up.

"Nice look you have got going," he mentions the neckerchief. I blush and go to take it off.

"No- no, it looks fine. It's reminds me of him" Gaius says fondly. I guess it stays.

We are silent for a bit. "Breakfast?" Gaius suggests. I think of the grotty porridge Merlin eats. No thanks.

"I'm good" I say trying to talk myself out of it.

Another Time Skip Because I Don't Have The Capacity To Write About A Morning With Gaius~

We are now exiting the small house and I ask Gaius why he's here if he left.

"Oh uh, Gwaine rode to my small camp outside the castle walls and told me I should probably come back". "Are you planning on staying?"
"As long as you're alive, Sire"

"Speaking of Gwaine, where is he?" I question.
Leon replies "Knight training. I took a day off to protect you,"

I pass him a look. "He told me about you two" Leon blushes.
"So you're fine with it?"
"Of course"

We are walking to the main entrance to the castle and I notice citizens giving me funny looks. The neckerchief.

I begin to hurry up the steps to the main hall. Gwen is sitting on the throne. They haven't moved mine. She smiles upon seeing me.
"Bet you miss this" she says.
"Not one bit" I reply.

"I'm are going to take him upstairs to get him ready for training" Leon adds.
She waves us off and I head to my chambers with Leon as Gaius has patients to attend to.

"Did you know?"
"What" Leon responds in a confused tone.
"Merlin has magic, or, had."
"Yes" he admits.
"How long have you known?"
"About a month, Gaius told Gwaine, Gwen, Percival and I before he left"
I was quiet the rest of the way.

Leon stayed outside as I got dressed in my chambers. The gear was laid on my dresser. I miss Merlin.

I closed the door and struggled to get my armor on single handedly but you would be stupid to think that I was going to call George.

After what felt like an eternity I stood in front of the mirror.
The whisper was back but I wasn't scared. I'd been expecting this all afternoon.
"Merlin?" I whispered back.
"You can hear me?! Or am I finally going mad"
"Where are you?"
"The ocean..."

Leon walks in.
"I know I'm not meant to interrupt but you were taking a whil-"

Merlin stopped talking.
"Merlin? Merlin, comeback?!"


Sorry. Had to end somewhere. I did promise some merthur, and I'm sorry it's not a lot. It get's better though.

-Your humble bumble bee

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