Chapter 30 - Home Sweet Home

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A/N: New year, new characters, same old me because I'm too lazy and tired to follow through with my resolutions.

Shout out to @JoshlerJun44 for giving me a new character idea!

I only have three submissions for the cover art competition! Please submit your artwork to my Instagram (@xxwattpadsamxx) if you want to enter! I don't have enough to hold a competition, so submit when you can!

Bit of a trigger warning! Reader discretion is advised!

Enjoy the chapter, my loves!


It's another rainy day.

I don't mind at all. Actually, rain is beautiful. Rain is probably my favourite type of weather next to snow. It's peaceful. The tapping of rain on my window, and the soft drumming of the rain pattering softly on the roof makes for a symphony straight from Mother Nature herself.

Toby and Sumo always love to cuddle when it rains. That's understandable since it gets colder when it rains, but I personally don't mind the cold. In fact, I don't feel it all that much. When it rains, I'm usually found in my lounging clothes, wearing a beanie, with a warm drink, and the two best, fluffy bois in the world. Toby and Sumo always keep me company, but on rainy days, I feel like they want to keep me company even more.

My mum is out job hunting again. Thomas went with her for some emotional support, as well as to make sure she's safe. I would've gone with them, but I was asleep. It's weird that I actually was sleeping for once like a normal person, but that's probably because I'm sick. Xavier is going to bring me some food since Patton is out shopping. Roman, Logan and I are playing Mario Kart, which will probably end with me drinking a bottle of ibuprofen to calm my headache, and a frying pan to Roman and Logan's heads à-la-Tangled to cease their bickering.

Choices on vehicles are obvious. Roman goes for the whole Rose Gold Princess Peach aesthetic, while Logan spends his time checking the stats of each possible set-up as to chose the most balanced and best kart. I go midway, making sure I have good stats while also making my set-up look cool.

Of course, since we are doing a Grand Prix, I had to chose the hardest cup in the game, which has rainbow road on it. I'm probably a sadist since I enjoy others pain, including when people fall off Mario Kart tracks.

The first stage is Cloudtop Cruise, which is a level with many shortcuts to abuse that Roman and Logan can't. Toby and Sumo are sitting with their heads on my lap. Toby keeps pawing at the controller as I play, wanting attention.

"Not now, Toby, I'm in the middle of a race." I tell him. "I'll pet you afterwards."

Of course, not too long after the race starts, Roman and Logan start arguing.

"Since your vehicle was only based on its style, it is not a very capable vessel for races on tracks such as these, Roman. Perhaps you would do better in a more thought-out set-up." Logan says.

"Are you kidding me? If anything, I'm winning this race on good looks alone!" Roman snaps.

"That is not how races work, Roman." Logan replies.

"Oh sure." Roman scoffs. "I totally buy that."

Their bickering continues as Toby whines. Virgil appears next to me on the couch with a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos (#notsponsored) in hand.

"What's up with them?" Virgil asks, stuffing the crisps in his mouth.

"B****mas came early." I reply.

"Ah. I see." Virgil says. "Xavier's bringing you food?"

"Yup." I reply.

"Hey, have you heard from V? I know I haven't asked in years, but you always seem to be looking at your phone, hoping for a call from

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