Part 26

22 6 1

Jungkook's POV

I just cant take it anymore I am so sick of everything, so sick of fake love. Mom, please "save me " just "save me". I need U . Mom where are you when I need u. I saw that Y/N went for the loo. [After a few seconds] . What is this continuous ding ding sound on Y/N's phone. [ he bent of the left to see who was texting Y/N] . Oh my god . NAMJOON HYUNG!!!!!!!!!! Wait wait wait did he ask Y/N on a date. Oh my god. I just take this anymore.

Author's POV

Jungkook got very angry ,upset, sad everything at that time. He just left the department towards the café , banging the main door hard. Everyone gasped on that sudden banging of the door as there was almost pin drop silence before. After two minutes Y/N returned from the loo. She saw that Jungkook is not present there.

Y/N: Hey Tae , listen I am leaving. Just bring my laptop bag to my home. Eunha will be there.

Tae: Okay have fun with Namjoon hyung. (Giving her a smirk)

Y/N: Shut up Taehyung.

She chuckled and left.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria

Jungkook saw Eunha in the café. Eunha also saw that Jungkook was sitting alone in a corner table. She walked towards him.

Eunha: Hello Jungkook oppa.

Jungkook: Hi Eunha. How are you ?

Eunha: I am fine. But I don't see you good oppa. Is everything okay oppa?

Jungkook: Yes. I am just stressed with office works.

Eunha: Oppa I need to say something . It's important actually.

Jungkook : Yes Eunha. Say.

And she told Jungkook about her feelings. Jungkook did not know how to react to her . Because a lot of things were going in his mind.

Jungkook's POV

Oh my god. What did she just say. I don't wanna fake everything. Cause I only love Y/N and its impossible to love someone else. Forcing myself to love other person is impossible for me. But I don't wanna hurt her. What should I do now? Oh god. [ But at the same time he was upset about Namjoon and Y/N.]

Author's POV

Eunha: Jungkook Oppa, earth is calling you. What were you thinking? Its okay if you

Jungkook cuts her words by saying

Jungkook: Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?

Eunha ( her eyes got brightened): Yes oppa sure..

Jungkook: I will pick you up at 8 tomorrow.

Eunha: Okay Oppa.

And she left the café dancing happily. But Jungkook was confused, upset, angry, everything at the same time. He pretended to be happy when actually he was sad. 

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