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Well, this sucked.

Summer break had just ended and the last semester of his senior year was about to commence. He should have been happy to be back with his friends and to be closer to completing his super dull compulsory education.

Instead, Jungkook felt uneasy. The queasy sensation had started around the fourth lesson, when the aroma from the lunch hall had started floating through the open windows of his classroom.

His classmates seemed alright, however. In fact they were practically buzzing. It was the long awaited American themed lunch day, where the kitchen staff would be serving as many delicacies from the US as they could, ranging from hamburgers to biscuits and gravy.

Their school had a system separating the time when each grade ate lunch. As seniors, because they were expected to remain at school the longest, they had their lunch period last. It was a system that had worked suprisingly well, preventing issues such as overcrowding and hostility over seating arrangements. Looking out of the window he sat beside, the young man casually observed the underclassmen running to the lunch hall excitedly.

Now, Jungkook was indeed a fan of American food, and loved a hefty hamburger whenever he got the chance to consume one, but today, he couldn't quite settle his stomach with the idea that the food would be as good as it usually was.

He silently deliberated the reason for suddenly being put off of the food. Well...he was male, so it couldn't be something like being pregnant or suffering from a loss of appetite from menstrual pain, nor could it be that he just wasn't hungry- he was practically starving. He could only conclude that he wasn't interested in the food being offered today, whatever the reason his body coming up with.

So lost in thought was he that he nearly fell off of his chair when the classmate who sat behind him, Yuju, poked him in between his shoulder blades, alerting him that the class was standing in respect as the teacher left.

Shooting her a grateful look after the class had bowed, Jungkook collected his things. Following their lunch period was a two hour break in which the seniors were encouraged to self-study or participate in club activities. As leader of the Taekwondo club, Jungkook decided that he would sneak out to grab some food from a convenience store near the school and eat it in the practice room, far, far away from the lunch hall.

Sending a shy wave to Yuju and her friend Eunha- Jungkook's crush since entering the high school, that is- as he passed them in the hallway, Jungkook stealthily made his way to the back entrance. At this time of day, the gate was most certainly locked, but there was far less security around here compared to the front gate and that was what Jungkook needed.

With a lightness that gave praise to his athletic ability, Jungkook easily scaled the fence that was just barely taller than himself, crouching low as he scurried towards to the set of shops that nested in the local educational district to avoid being noticed by anyone that might have been looking out of the window.

Once certain that he was a far enough distance away, he quickly exchanged his blazer for a black hoodie that fully concealed the logo of his school uniform and strolled into the large convenience store that peaked the junction down the small hill from his school.


Yoongi regarded the boy with the black hoodie through heavy, half open eyes. He looked a lot like a high school student who should really be in school right now, but Yoongi seriously had no energy to be that adult at that present moment in time.

Besides, he was off-duty today and had just woken up from his nap to meet Jin and he sure as hell was not in the right frame of mind- or clothing- to be authorative. Hard for a teenager to take you seriously when you're wearing ripped jeans and a gigantic black hoodie, looking no older than them.

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