Chapter Forty-Nine: Uncertain.

Start from the beginning

"Jake and I have an interview," I explained, quickly putting things in my bag. 

"For what?"

"Movie," I answered, absentmindedly. 

"Press is starting already?" She asked, puzzled. 

"No, just early interviewing but we have a  couple of things over the next two months," Press was bound to start mid next year but the interviews had started rolling in for Jake and me as the lead actors. There were movie festivals to attend and cameras to be shoved on our faces, red carpets to be walked on. Suffice to say, I was excited about it. " I'll call you later!"

"Bye!" She grinned and cut off the call.

Erika and I exchanged looks and I felt the exhaustion seeping in of a very long day that had yet to be over. "Let's go."

When I entered my home, exhaustion slowly but surely creeping into my mind and the bright day had settled into the darkness of the beginning of winter in Los Angeles. I found Caleb in the den.

He was sitting on the window seat, very comfortable judging by his slouched position and the sweats he was lounging around in. 

He didn't notice me come in but I wasn't fazed with the way he was concentrating on the words of the book in his hands. His eyes moved at great speed as he got even more comfortable, the palm of his hand digging into his cheek.

I couldn't help but softly laugh at him and that got his attention as he shot me a glance with a quick smile before glancing back down at the book. "I see you."

"I know," I replied in the same tone, walking over to him. "I see you too."

He kept his eyes on the book as I put my bag on the empty space next to him. He raised his head towards me, puckering his lips. Keeping my eyes on him, I raised an eyebrow and he glanced at me in confusion. "I don't get a kiss?"

"Are you going to look at me?" I asked him. 

"I'm at a really good part here." He said eagerly.

I kissed him regardless and he grabbed at my waist, pulling me over to him as he finished reading. I picked up the book, not recognizing the title or the image of the cover. "What genre is this one? You weren't reading that yesterday." 

"Historical fiction." 

"Interesting," I commented as my other hand combed through the locks of his hair.  

He laughed and made a face. His chin pressed against my stomach as he looked up at me with bright eyes. "Oh, don't get so excited over this. At least it wasn't romance." 

"I can read romance," I said, narrowing my eyes down at him. 

"I'm Octavia, I hate romance with a passion." 

"I don't sound like that!" I playfully shoved him away from me. 

"You're mad because you do. 'Romance is horrible, romance is awful-" 

"Anyways," I rolled my eyes, ignoring his snickering at his relentless teasing. I used to think that. Not anymore. "You read books so fast. It's crazy." 

"I guess so." He ran a hand through the waves of his brown hair and linked my hand around his inked arm. "Give it until tomorrow and I'll be on this science fiction book I bought recently. Now, how was the first meeting?"

Despite my tiredness, I clapped my hands in excitement. "So good."


"I'll tell you all about it. Are you able to stay for dinner?"

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