Chapter Forty-Six: Long Distance Cousins.

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"Is this what you want?"

"It would have happened anyway," Lisa grinned. "He was going to propose before we found out I was pregnant."

"Aw." I couldn't help but gush.

"You're coming. I wanted to see you in person to ask you to be part of my bridal party."

"Of course, what the fuck," I couldn't help but say one more time and she burst out laughing at my excitement. At the sight of her in such joy, I couldn't help but put my hands to my face. "I'm so happy for you."

"'re not one to get sentimental."

"I'm not but this is huge," I grabbed her hand in my own, my smile not faltering. "Your dad would be so happy for you if he saw you right now."

Lisa and I had always been close, the same way her dad and I had always been close. I knew my uncle would be boasting about her at an event like this. Then again, he was one of the most supportive people I ever knew.

Lisa's smile didn't waver at the mention of him, she gripped my hand strongly. "Oh, he would be. I don't doubt that for a second."

I rose to hug her once again before pulling back. "If it's a girl are you naming her after me?"

"Are you fucking conceited?" She snapped and I laughed. There's the girl I grew up with.

"Octavia is a nice name."

"I'm not naming her after you if it's a girl."

"You sure?"


"I'm kidding!" I joked, sitting on top of the desk. "But I really am happy for you. If you want anything-I'm going to get you the best wedding present. Get ready."

"Stop," She waved a hand but I serious about it. "You can make it, right? In July?"

"I will clear my entire schedule. That whole month is dedicated to you."

"You can bring the writer I'm always seeing you with on Instagram. Caleb, is it?"

I snapped dramatically. "I knew I forgot to tell you about someone."

"Forgot? How did aunty take to him?"

"She doesn't like him, but she said she'll give him a chance."

"Was it the tattoos or because he isn't black?"

It suddenly hit me that the day Caleb had met my parents, he was wearing a sweater. Every single tattoo had been covered. "She hasn't seen the tattoos."

"Oh, you're in for trouble." My cousin teased.

"She'll give him a chance," I repeated. "Besides, Caleb is..."

Lisa's eyes went wide. "Oh. It's serious."

"We haven't been together for long but yeah."

"That means I will definitely be seeing him in July. I like this happy, sentimental version of you."

"Oh, shut up."

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out, expecting to see an addition to the messages from my siblings only to find a different number I had been messaging over the past few days. "How are you?"

"I just finished a movie. Right before I came back."

"Really?" Lisa grinned. "How was it? The character?"

Filming for the latest movie had finished during the first week of September and I had managed to pull through with all my scenes beforehand. It was a rush of getting settled into another character and although the filming of this movie didn't take as long as the one Caleb had written especially due to me not being the lead in this one, I had a placement I had been ecstatic for.

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