"No, I just know how to turn down a guy who clearly doesn't get a hint."

"Don't be like that, you clearly liked my pick up lines last time-.."

"She didn't like them, leave her alone Mason." Luke's voice interrupts him, a scowl taking up his face.

"This doesn't involve you, mind your own business." Mason says, but I wanted to laugh at the words he just said.

It has everything to do with him. But the fact that Luke was about to punch him any second from now made me stop myself.

Not because I thought he was going to get hurt, obviously, he's on the boxing team and could probably take down Mason in a heartbeat.

It's just I don't want him to do something stupid and have to leave.

I lightly kick Luke's leg which causes him to look at me.

I mouth to him 'calm down' and he slightly nods his head while trying not to scowl.

"See, I told you, she wants you to stay out of it." Mason voice calls, but I instantly whip my head towards him.

"And I want you to leave me alone." I say.

"Oh they are getting along so well." My mom voice calls out. I look towards her to see herself along with Mrs.Barrington were looking at me.


More exactly, me and Mason.

Oh god... please don't tell me...

"Mason is such a sweet guy." My mom says, making me slightly uncomfortable as she gives a cheeky smile towards me then at Mrs.Barrington.

"Mom, Stop." I glare. I could almost FEEL Mason's smirk, as he clearly enjoyed the words that came out of her mouth.

"You're right! I know young love when I see it. Just think, the daughter and the son of two of the best businesses in the state of California. Wouldn't that make the headlines?!" Mrs. Barrington says.

It would also make the headline of my gravestone.

I look at my mom for help, trying to signal her to stop. She looks at me for a second, and back at Mrs.Barrington.

"I think it would be good for both of them, I could no doubt trust a son of yours." My mom smiles at her.

Yeah, and Eve no doubt trusted Satan with the apple....


Case closed!!!

I'm getting a bible.

"I agree, Ella, what do you think?" And just like that, all eyes were on me.

"Actually, I'm not interested." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Not interested?" My mom chokes out a laugh, "Ella, you have to give things a chance! How far will you ever get if you don't try new things?"

"I do try new things! Adventurous Ella remember? But there is a clear line between adventurous and desperate. I know when I don't need things, and that being a boyfriend."

Another lie, I already have one. But because of my big mouth, you don't like him right now.

"Ella trust me, give it a chance, you will thank me later."

"Thank you?! You are going against what I want!!"

"You said you wanted to be happy!!" My mom stands up from her chair, as do I.

"I am happy!!" I say back, throwing my hands up in the air in defense.

"You said you felt lonely and isolated, I'm just trying to be a good mom. But how can I when you won't let me?!"

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