Chapter Forty-One: Dora The Explorer Spanish.

Start from the beginning

"Shut up." The words came out in a fit of giggles.

"Plus, you like him and he likes you. I mean-one sec," She took her phone out, scrolling through quickly before pulling up a picture attached to a little article below from when Caleb and I were walking through the streets of Manhattan one night after the date that Erika had told us to go on.

The photo was captured just when I was telling Caleb of a play I did in high school and was reciting a monologue I had never forgotten. I had said the words so dramatically to the point where I was laughing, and he was smiling at me, his hand in mine. 

"A guy doesn't look at you like this-fake relationship or not if he didn't feel anything for you. Besides- I mean look at you. You look hot. Seriously, where did you get those earrings? Wait-did you go with the blue dress?" 

I nodded and she grinned. "Love that one." 

I exhaled; I did go with an outfit that made my confidence skyrocket and her comment added to the takeoff. "You sure you're not in love with me?"

She instantly rolled her eyes. "Are you conceited?"

"I'm kidding, bro." The doorbell interrupted any further words and I took a deep breath. 

"I'm assuming that's him."

"You're correct." I swallowed hard, the queasy feeling still hadn't left the building that was my body. 

"You'll be fine. It'll go well. You're Octavia, c'mon. Own it."

There was nothing better than reassuring words from my greatest friend. "Thanks, Syd."

"Of course. Tell me how it goes tomorrow!"

"I will." When we said our goodbyes, I was quick to grab my clutch and put my phone inside.

Making sure I could finally walk in my heels properly after three mini test trials, I gave myself a mental thumbs up and opened the door. A smile came to my face at a beaming Caleb falter when his eyes landed on me. 

"Hi." I breathed out. Fuck, he's attractive. I had to have done something in the past life to be presented with a fine man like him. 

He even blinked a couple of times his eyes raking up and down my body with intent. "Wow."

Suffice to say my confidence was so high it officially left Earth.

"I believe it's hi," I said equally shook by his appearance while closing the door behind me.

"No, it's definitely 'wow'." He muttered.

"You like?" I bit back a grin, doing a little turn to show that my short navy-blue dress was backless and his eyes widened even further, his lips parted. Good. Took me an hour to find the perfect dress for tonight and his reaction definitely made up for the search. 

"A lot. I like it a lot."

I beamed in gratitude, despite the hyperaware of my beating heart the second I had laid my eyes on him. "You look-"

"Like the man of your dreams?" He suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He was joking but he wasn't wrong.

"You look like we should stay inside. For days." He wore a suave button-up dark green button-up, sleeves rolled up, sliver watch on his wrist. With his eyes wild as ever, he looked incredibly sexy.

"I love the sound of that." He flashed me a wicked smile just as my hands went to his arms to stop any movement of him wanting to come inside. I was quick to put lock the door with my keys.

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