Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Brightest One.

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A soft laugh escaped her lips as she played with it. "But circumstances happened, and photography became a career."

"Do you ever have regrets?"

Macy looked at me, conflict crossing her face. "No. Things happen for a reason." I nodded in agreement. "You always wanted to be an actress?"

I didn't hesitate. "As long as I can remember."

Macy laughed. "How was it starting out?"

"Um, Hollywood's an interesting place," I told her. "When I was starting out, it was hard. I had to beg to take classes, to have my uncle pull through with literally any connections he had for auditions while I was trying to find any opportunity. I had to work to get those, to get others; some of them were good and some bad."

She looked confused, taking a moment to eat before voicing her question. "What do you mean bad?"

I took a moment, choosing my words carefully. "A role or opportunity could seem amazing but then you have to make the decision to work with people who-" I blew a raspberry with my lips when I got the sense of cameras-eyes on me.

My back straightened slowly, my eyes darting around the restaurant when I caught the person taking the picture. I didn't lock eyes with them, made it seem like I was merely glancing around but it was better to be safe than sorry about my surroundings. Macy looked confused and I told her.

"Ah, cameras." She said. "Another thing I'll never get used to."

"It becomes a norm eventually," I told her as we ate, reminiscing of the multiple times I was photographed without knowing before. A picture of me and Macy was exactly what Caleb had said could happen to solidify out contract relationship.

"I prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it," She sounded peeved and that made me laugh.

"You won't believe how many people whip their phones out the second they would see me and Caleb together." I took a sip of my water just as she narrowed her eyes in interest.

"Speaking of you and Caleb." I hummed in acknowledgment and she dropped her fork, speaking quietly for no chance that we were overheard. "Just friends?"

"I'm guessing you know."

"Yeah," She said looking a little apologetic, but I gave her a smile to know that I didn't care.


"In regard to-" She mouthed out 'relationship' and I nodded along. Then she mouthed 'friends with benefits' and I nodded again. "It was a little weird hearing about it not going to lie."

"The first or second?" I question with reference to what she had traced.

"The first was understandable; I don't understand fame but there are things to do when you have an image. The second was weird."


"Caleb's never," She paused, searching for the right word and dropping her voice to a whisper. "He's never done the casual sex agreement thing before that's why it was a little surprising. One night stands? Yes. But more than once? Never."

What? "Wait, really?" I asked just as she put the pasta in her mouth.

Macy nodded, eating before groaning. "This pasta is amazing."

I laughed, gesturing to my plate. "Want to try mine?'


"Switch." she passed me her plate just as I passed her mine. She was right. The pasta was good.

Everything Happens At 2:04 AMKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat