11: In All Honesty

Start from the beginning

Telling the truth was hard, but right in front of Keith... the officer had a right to know.

"I kissed you because I wanted to, but--" He trailed off, trying to find the right words.
"But..?" Keith encouraged, brows raised.
"--But there might be more behind it. Reasons why I wanted to. I don't know, there's something about you that really interests me I guess. I can't really tell if it's a good or bad sort of interest yet."
Keith rested his elbows on his legs and started biting at the skin near his nails.
"I could say the same for you," he said slowly. "I don't know exactly what it is, but you are somehow different from any other prisoner I've met. There's something about you that is-- I guess you could say... attractive or something."
Lance grinned. "You think I'm attractive?"
"What?? No-- No, I'm not meaning it like that!"
Lance just laughed, despite the pain caused by the motion.
Keith smiled and shook his head.
"I've been meaning to ask you," Keith said. "In all honesty, why did you turn yourself in?"
Lance stopped laughing, and Keith was worried for a moment that he was asking too much, and that the brunette could get the impression that he was just trying to get answers out of him.
But, Lance sighed.
"It's a dumb reason, really. I turned myself in to see if I could escape. It also gives me some time to take a break from the outside world."
"And why is that?"
"I get targeted a lot. Wanted for all sorts of things. Some people want to get me back for something I did or stole, some people want to hire me for this and that, it's all complicated. I just... wanted to escape for a while. I was in a lot of trouble before I came here with a specific gang of people."
Keith nodded, narrowing his eyes. "Who exactly are these people?"
Lance looked incredibly unnerved. "No comment. If I said anything, I would be screwed. My family, friends, everyone. Gone. Dead."
"Are they really that brutal?"
Lance seemed really affected by the thought of the group, because when he answered, it was hushed and almost fearful.
"You have no idea."

Keith left sometime after that.
Lance had fallen back asleep, so Keith decided to leave him in peace and to take a small break, Allura taking his place to watch the sleeping Cuban.
She was the one who had the right blood type, after all.

(Hence Lance MAGICALLY turning Altean in season 8)

Keith wanted time to write down some of their conversation too. Some of the things Lance had said.
But not just for investigation purposes.
He had realized as Lance was falling asleep after talking to him that the brunette probably hadn't had a decent amount of sleep in a while. He knew, because of footage on the security cameras, that Lance woke almost every twenty minutes, as if on guard.
He wasn't sure if it was just to remain vigilant, or that it was a habit worked into his system after being in constant danger on the street for so long.
Either way, it made Keith almost want to sympathize toward him, and further expand the boy's curiosity about what Lance dealt with outside of jail.
He knew, based off their conversations, was that everything would come to him in time.
Trust had to be built for things to be shared, and when that trust is supported, things can slip by.
But Keith wondered if gaining Lance's trust just for the sake of valuable information was all he was after.

He supposed those answers would come in time, too.

But did he have the patience?

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy with vacation, SacAnime preparation, and a new kitten. (Her name is KOVA!)
Hope this chapter was alright, it isn't too exciting but looking deep it can have some significant meaning.
Thanks for reading!
-Squemonnnnnnnn uwu

Thanks for reading!-Squemonnnnnnnn uwu

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Also why is Alex me

Bang Bang! -A Klance Prison AU- (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now