The trio of Abiit

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Sorry about the long update, school is starting so they updates will be a bit longer of waits, but I will try and update one story every weekend.  Hope you enjoy!


(??? Pov)

I stumbled down the long hallway, no longer paying attention to where I was going. I looked around, the same columns and walls as before. I felt as though I had been walking down the dreary hall forever. I knew there was a purpose to me doing this, some sort of end. I didn’t know what, or if I would ever reach it but I knew it was important. There was something I needed to find out, something important not only to me but to someone else.


Who was it I needed to help.


Why was I still going on? Why didn’t I stop?

How long?

How long have I been walking? I can’t seem to remember.


Where was this supposed end to the hall, light at the end of this never-ending tunnel?


How was I still moving? Surely I should’ve stopped by now.

These were the questions I kept asking myself. They kept me going, but I soon forgot. Was there any real purpose, was there ever? I stumbled, tripping over my own feet, hands scraping the ground. I looked at my stinging palms, the crimson blood dripping down them.


That word, that name meant something. It got me on my feet again, no longer walking. I was sprinting down the halls, footsteps echoing throughout the empty hall.

Crimson. Crimson. Crimson. This is what I kept thinking, that name kept me going. Going, that is, until I came to stop. I looked up at what was at the end of the hall, a large door.

It was white and golden at the top, with Arceus standing atop large clouds. Near the center of the door was a green grassy field, with the ocean to the left and mountains to the right. As the door neared to floor it portrayed fire, and darkness. I subconsciously knew it represented all of life. As I gazed at the door, unmoving, it started to open. Knowing I was meant to enter, I approached the entrance. As I walked under the arch, I was consumed by a white light. Covering my eyes with the back of my hand I looked away.

When I was finally able to see, I saw beings, which I knew to be Pokémon. One had a ghostly appearance. It was shaped like a stallion, with a white body and dark black horns coming out of its face. The horns curled down its back, ending with a shape tip. Its hooves were glowing with a purple-like glow, and as I looked closer I could tell it was floating slightly. Its eyes were a piercing black, but as I looked at it longer they turned to a calming golden shape. Its tail was black like the night, and it had a pattern on its back, and as I looked at it more it seemed to be scales. They looked to be moving, like if they were weighing something. One was golden, and the other was dark black.

I looked to the right of it and saw a bright golden bird. Its wings were flaming and appeared to have a dark aura to them. I looked at the dark aura and it seemed to be writing, but it looked like gibberish to me. It had black, dark eyes and they seemed to hold secretes. Its wings ended with claws and its feathers ruffled as if there was a gentle wind.

There was one, on the far right that was also stallion like, but this one was dark blue-ish purple. Its back was covered in stars, and its eyes had a foggy, far-away look to them. It had the same horns as the stallion Pokémon, and it had a white and dark blue mane. It looked at me and stomped its black hooves.

Pokemon Azure and Crimson (a Pokemon fan fiction) *DISCONTINUED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon