The First Night

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I do not own Pokémon, I am only writing my own fan fiction about it. The characters, some of the Pokémon, and the region are my OC. Please enjoy my story!


(Azure’s Pov.)

As we walked into the town, I looked around. There were lots of cottage-style houses, and I saw a Pokecenter near the middle of the small town. I pointed it out to Crimson and we walked over to it, as we walked I looked at Crimson. As we started the journey, she looked more confident, and more certain of herself. I don’t know if it was the Pokémon, or being out, and not having thee responsibility or helping to raise her sister, but it really made a difference.


I watched her dad walk away. Crimson bolted out the door after he left. I felt bad, I chased after her calling out.

She turned to me and I said, “Don’t worry. You will be fine! Just remember, you always have me!”

 I smiled as she hugged me and she said, “Thanks.”

-End Flashback-

“Earth-to-Azure,” I saw a hand wave in front of my face. I looked to see Crimson looking at me. “Were here, and what was that all about? You were totally out of it.”

I smiled and said, “Nothing. Just thinking. Let’s go in. Yew is probably getting irritated with us for keeping her waiting.”

We walked in and I looked around. There were red couches facing a fireplace, and a door that I could see lead to a dining room. There was a desk and a young woman sat at it, talking with Yew. We walked over and Yew rolled her eyes, motioned for us to follow her, and sat down at one of the red seats by the fire.

“Okay, so the Gym leader, Leader Flow, is in her Gym right now, but it is closed until tomorrow. We are going to have to battle her to talk to her; it’s the only way to see her. We all will go in; I’ll go last, just in case you fail. When you get to her, talk to her about the stolen Pokémon and we will go rescue them with her.” Yew said, right as we sat down.

We nodded and Crimson said, “Okay, I will go first.”

Yew said, “Aright. I already got a room for myself tonight, I suggest you do the same, it’s getting late.” And with that she walked off.

We walked over to the counter and said, “Two rooms, please, Nurse Joy.”

She looked at us and gave a pity smile, “Sorry, there is only one available room. It has only one bed, so I can either send up some blackest, or you can share the bed.”

Crimson said, “Its okay. We can share.” I blushed, but didn’t find it that awkward. We had many sleep-over’s growing up, it was normal for us.

We walked to the room we were given and I looked around. I had a large bed, a small couch, and a small bed for Pokémon, and a door that most likely led to a bath room.

I said, “I’m going to get ready for bed.” And with that I walked into the bath room.

-Short Time Skip-

I walked out of the bathroom and Crimson was looking at her Pokedex, and I presumed she was reading about her Pokémon. I hopped into the bed; it was large enough that we could fit 1 and a half more people in between us.

Crimson said, “A lot has happened in one short day, huh?”

I yawned and said, “Ya, goodnight”

I heard her laugh and set down her Pokedex. And with that I fell asleep.


Please comment, vote, critique, share ideas, and please just say, ‘good’ or ‘nice’ so I know someone is reading my story!

And sorry for the lame chapter, I have been busy lately… I will get to a good part next chapter, though!

Pokemon Azure and Crimson (a Pokemon fan fiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now