Meeting a Friend From the Past

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Hey! This is going to be a great chapter! Special thanks to @Garnetstacy and @RZeroX9 for their OC’s! Hope you like the chapter and I do not own Pokémon! It also has a new Pov. For part of the chapter, but it mainly will be Azure.


(Azure’s Pov)

“Well then, bye.” Crimson and I walked away from Yew. She had just told us that even though we were just going to ask the Gym Leader for help, we still had to beat the Gym, so she was going to train. Alone.

“She is not a happy camper, is she?” I asked Crimson as we exited the Pokecenter.

“Ya, I don’t think she really likes anyone. And I think she is more focused on beating the Gyms instead of getting back the stolen Pokémon.” Crimson said, sounding a bit sad. I wasn’t surprised, Crimson wished to see good in everyone, even when there was none to be found.

“Well, we better not waste this time. She had a point; we do have to train up, a lot. And I really want to see how powerful Em is.” I looked at Crimson as she gazed at the happy Riolu, that she named Em, to remind her of her sister. I was still surprised at how quickly it hatched, they normally take a while to hatch, it must really trust her, and they definitely are going to have a strong bond.

“Alright! Let’s go to the forest and train!” I shouted as I started sprinting for the forest, Crimson and her Riolu catching up quickly.

(??? Pov.)

“Trust! Use Thunder Shock!” I commanded my Jolteon. We had been battling the Team Solar guy for a while now; he was surprisingly strong, even though he only had an Oshawott.

“Use Razor Shell.” The attack knocked out Trust.

“Trust return.’ I was getting worried, the Oshawott still had almost full health, and Trust had a major type advantage. He was one strong trainer.

I was contemplating sending out Dragon, my Charizard, or Pyro, my Delphox, because they had the best chance; the rest of my Pokémon were either Fire or Steel types. Hopefully their Flying or Physic moves could take out the Oshawott.

As I was about to send out Dragon, a Razor Leaf move burst through the bushes, hitting Oshawott, and two kids, probably my age, stepped out into the clearing.

(Azure’s Pov.)

We walked into the clearing to see a girl with long red hair, blue eyes, freckles, a green shirt, and torn up jeans. She had a blue hat on and a red backpack slung on her back. She looked at us and said, “I don’t need help, I can take this guy out on my own, unless you are part of Team Solar.”

I blinked at her words, and Crimson said, “We are here to help you. We are against Team Solar; they stole Pokémon and are evil. Let us help you.”

I smiled on the inside; Crimson always knew just what to say.

The girls nodded at us and said, “Then help me defeat this jerk. He is trying to steal my Pokémon, and I won’t allow that to happen.”

The Team Solar guy laughed and said, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you my name. I’m Roy, right-hand-man to the leader of Team Solar. Now give me your Pokémon, or you will regret it.” He waved his hand, and 5 Team Solar grunts stepped out into the clearing.

The girl laughed and said, “As long as I live, you won’t take my Pokémon!” She sent out Flareon, a Charizard, a Delphox, and a Lucario.

She looked at us and said, “Well, are you going help, or not?” We nodded and sent out our Pokémon.

The guy, Roy, laughed and motioned at the grunts.

I only paid attention to the 2 grunts I was battling; they only had Zubats, and quickly defeated them with Bullet Seed and Thunderbolt from Bash and Chu. I looked around and saw that Crimson had defeated her grunts, and the girl had taken out the remaining grunt, and was struggling with Roy.

 Crimson and I made eye contact and nodded. I sent a Bullet Seed at the same time Crimson’s Eve used Bite, and we helped the girl defeat the Oshawott. It was the combo move we had tried right before we heard the girl and Roy battling and went to investigate.

Roy growled and ran off with the words, “I will be back, and you will regret this.”

Me, being cocky, laughed and said, “And we will just beat you again!”

The girl looked at us and said, “Thanks, I needed that help. My name’s Crystal, but my friends call me Cryssie. You can to!” I saw Crimson smile and I looked closely at the girl. She seemed so familiar, like I knew her. Then it hit me,

“You were that girl at the orphanage!”


What girl at the orphanage! O.o

I will try and update soon! Please comment, critique, share ideas, I still am excepting OC’s, and I HATE silent readers! Thanks for reading!

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