Pokemon Azure and Crimson (a Pokemon fan fiction)

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This is a story I have made, based off  Pokemon. i created my own reigon, own characters, and even a few new pokemon. Don't own Pokemon, but I wish I did! I will try to explain the Pokemon I have created to the best of my abilities, but just be creative. Now into to the Abiit Reigon when young Azure and Crimson are staring their journeys...


Crimson's Pov.

I yawned and sat up. It was 6:00, the time I always wake up, but today was special. I hopped out of bed and tied my long, black hair into a ponytail, my bangs falling out as always. I put on my normal clothes, cargo pants, a loose t-shirt, my 2 year-old black shoes and my red and black hat, (The hat looks like Red’s… what? I like his hat!) I place my glasses over my crimson eyes; they help me see. I grabbed the bag full of extra clothes Pokeballs, some potion, and my extra glasses. They break a lot.

I ran down stairs and looked at my mother, and her eyes were brimming with tears. I hugged her and said, “Don’t worry mom. I will be okay. I will call you a lot, and I will be fine. Azure and I will be traveling together. I won’t be alone.”

My mother stuttered out, “I-I know. I will just miss you!” My little sister, shy as always, held up the egg the day-care people gave her.

“Here, I want you to have it sissy. Raise it for me. I will miss you!” She started crying as I took the egg. I kneeled down to her level and said, “Don’t worry. You sissy is going to be a champion, just for you. I will come and visit after my journey and I won’t forget about my promise to you, Emily.


Our father had left us to go become a champion. At age 45, he didn’t think he should be sitting around a house raising kids. He wanted to become champion. So one day, he just left.

I walked over to my crying 5 year-old sister. “Don’t worry. Daddy will come back. He won’t forget about you. And when I turn 10, I will go out and become a Champion, but I won’t forget you. When I o, I will come back, and I will bring my little sister a Pokémon, one that will be her best friend!”

She looked up at me and wiped her eyes, “You promise?” She held up her tiny pinkie.

I smiled and nodded, “I pinkie promise,” And wrapped her pinkie around mine.

-End Flashback-

She smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked to the door, and I turned around, let go of her hand smiled and walked out of the house.  As I reached the end of our lawn, I turned around and saw my mother and sister waving at me. I smiled, waved, and started walking to Azure’s house. I laughed, knowing that even on this important day I would have to wake him up, and probably pack his entire bag, knowing how he always puts things off. 

Please comment, vote, critique, and give ideas. Sorry about the boring chapter. I wanted to give Crimson some back story, and i will be doing the same with Azure is the next chapter. Chapter 3 is where that action starts!

Pokemon Azure and Crimson (a Pokemon fan fiction) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now