Search and rescue

Start from the beginning

"Why?" I don't get it. "A couple of angels and a kick ass witch; can't we handle anything?"

"How is your olfaction?"


As if she can read my mind she is looking defiantly at me. "We need a good tracker, do you know one?"

I strain my mind to come up with anything else than a dog, while my mind flickers to Vincent's friend. "What about snaggletooth?"

This is Esme's time to look like the riddle.

"Damian; Vincent's friend who happens to be a vampire," I explain as if that is the most natural thing in this world.

A definite thud makes both of us look to the side where Aoleon has slumped to the floor. I had totally forgotten about her, and now she is out for the count; passed out. We grab hold of her and carry her into Esme's house with great difficulty while still plotting our next adventure. "She'll come around!" I sweep Aoleon's wellfare to the side for more urgent matters. "It is probably just some diabetic adjustment. Do you want me to call Damian?"

"Do you have his number?"

"Layla does."

"Whoa! Layla, your cousin? You can't just call her; you've been missing for ten years."

"What?" I had forgotten about that little unfortunate detail. "How are we gonna fix this? Am I to stay here in never-never land forever?"

She gives me a stern look before she start to think creative again. "As a last resort I can reset the time from where you left, by folding the fabric of time." Esme's face is in deep contemplation.

"You can fold the fabric of time and send me back to the time right after we left?" I am astounded. "Can you do that?"

"I'm a wicked witch," she smirks.

* * *

As soon as we get Aoleon up and kicking again, we put our plan to work. I take her over to the main house where somebody can keep an eye on her while Esme works her magic.

Pun definitely intended!

"I don't understand why I can't come with you?"

"You fainted when I told about vampires, I think you need some time to adjust, just like all of us have had."

"Vampires! That is crazy talk," she hiss.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," I mutter. "Drink some o.j." I continue and have to clear myself when she looks confused again. "Orange juice! You need to up the sugar level in your bloodstream."


"No, o.j..." I mumble sarcastically to myself with my back turned on her.

"How do you know all this stuff?"

This is my turn at looking like a birdhouse. "What?"

"Yeah, how do you know about sugar level in the blood and all that stuff?" she asks while she is sipping the juice.

"I...I've been here for quite a long time... I guess." I am suddenly a little embarrassed by her praise. "You pick up a little here and there."

"Yeah, that's clear..."

"Come on, we better get moving." I know that I am rushing her quite a bit, but I am anxious to get going. If Vincent's life is on the line, there is no time to waste.

It is obviously hard to adjust to a life here in this crazy world, but Aoleon's claustrophobic tendencies as I close the car-door behind her is straining. "It is okay," I assure her loud and calming as I round the car to get to the driver-seat. "It is okay, it's supposed to be a silent bubble."

She is grasping my clothes, almost clawing at me and her breathing is fast and shallow. "Beautiful, beautiful..." She keeps chanting and at first I wonder what she is ranting on about, but it hits me that it is our emergency code.

"Aoleon, calm down." I clasp my hands on either of her cheeks to get her to focus on my eyes and I force her breathing to calm down. "This is okay," I say slowly. "It's just a way of travelling." Thoughts flitter through my mind of fear of flying, but I say nothing. "It is just a short ride... and I wouldn't be in here if it was dangerous, right?" My smile seems to reassure her and she nods.

I take a deep calming breath and let go of her cheeks. "Okay." As I put the key in the ignition I halt and prepare her for what's coming. "The engine will start and the car will... purr." A wicked smile spreads as I turn the ignition. I love this car.

I promptly ignore Aoleon's panicking as I would do with a gun-shy dog and slowly drive off. It is a short ride as I said and when we stop outside the big yellow building that once was a monastery I notice that Aoleon's knuckles are white where they clasp the doorhandle.

Jocound I round the car to open the door and let her out of the confinement. She almost bounce out of there to glare suspiciously at the car.

"I'm gonna introduce you to some people."

Her eyes are still wide open in fear and I start to wonder why she wanted to come here anyway. Where is her sense of adventure?

As I grab the handle I recalled the reaction I got when I arrived here again, not so long ago with no memory of this place. With a deep breath and a confident smile I walk inside.

The people we meet gasps and glance at me with fear in their eyes before they respectfully lower their eyes. "Your highness."

"It's Sam," I correct with an easy smile that is far from my honest feeling. "I need to speak with someone in charge, if you'd be so kind."

"Of course..." She bows and hurries along to go fetch somebody that I can leave my friend with.

Not long thereafter she returns with the same girl I have met before. "Hey Sam." Her smile is tentive as if she is simply checking if that still is what I wish to be called.

"You remembered. Thank you." I return the smile. "I'm in a predicament and I'd need your help."

Her expression changes into businesslike and I know that she is taking me seriously. "Vincent is in trouble and Esme and I are going after him," I explain to the girl who nods seriously. "In the meantime, I need your help to look after somebody. This is Aoleon," I introduce.


"No, Aoleon." I do my best to loud and clear pronounce every syllable in the name that I had found unusual in the start. "Her name is Aoleon and she needs somewhere to stay for a few days while she adjusts. Can you get someone qualified to manage that?" I can hear how snotty I sound and I don't like it one bit, but this girl before me is urgent to please.

"We're on our way to find Vincent; he might be in trouble,""I add more humble. "It is important to find him and she needs somebody right now."

"We will arrange that Your Highness."

I manages to not bite my jaws together in frustration and only bow humble before her. "Thank you." I turn to the wide-eyed Aoleon. "This girl will personally make sure that you are perfectly comfortable here and that you'll learn everything that you'll need to function.

"I don't want to stay here; I want to come with you," she complains.

"We'll be going by car." I notice how her eyes widen. "I will be back in a few days."

"I will send a search and rescue band after you if you don't."

She actually hugs me before I race out of there.

Here I come!


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