Chapter 11

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Jacobs pov

I really dont know who hw reminds me of, but it's definitely someone. The way he talks and laughs, his eyes and hair, they're all too familiar and its driving me absolutely crazy. I've been thinking about this while walking with him and Natt for the last fifteen minutes.

"Hey sorry to interrupt, but Cole, do you have an older brother or something?" I ask scratching the back of my neck

"Uh.. no? Why?" He gave me a weird look and I just shrugged

"You just, remind me of someone, but I can't figure out who" I shook my head

"I've been told I look a lot like my dad, but you wouldn't know him so I don't know" he raised an eyebrow

"Now that i think about it, you do look kinda familiar" Natt laughed sightly

"I don't know, well uh, do you guys wanna go back to my place, you can meet my dad who I look like" he laughed too and I just nodded

"Sure, why not" I mumble

I have a really bad feeling about this


"Dad! I'm home!!" Cole yelled as we walked through his front door

"Whatever kid, I'm in the kitchen"  he replied and I froze and grabbed Natt by the wrist

"Did you hear that" I whispered

"It's, not what you think it can't be" her eyes held uncertainty, Cole gave us a weird look and then just laughed

"Come meet my friends" he called out again and soon footsteps were heard and a man appeared, leaving both me and Natt speechless

"T-thats your dad" she stuttered and Cole just blinked at her

"Yeah... you okay?" He looked nervous

"You- that's" she said barley above a whisper

"Oh sweetie you didn't think you could get rid of me so easily did you" he laughed, a laugh identical to Coles.

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