Chapter 7

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~Jacobs P.o.v~

Not gonna lie I have a really bad feeling about hanging out with this 'Cole' kid after school but I owe it to Natt. I shouldn't have acted like that towards her yesterday. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher called my name.

"Jacob" she spoke sternly while pointing her ruler at me.

"Uh yeah?" I asked nervously knowing she had asked a question that I wouldn't know the answer to

"I asked a question" she said while rolling her eyes

"Well I don't have the answer" I mocked her by rolling my eyes

"Well mister Barone, you can take that attitude straight to the office" she spat

"gladly" I muttered under my breath, earning a few laughs from the boys seated around me. I only had 20 more minutes of this class anyways, then I go to my last class with Natt. I gathered my things and walked out of the classroom and straight to the office

"My teacher sent me" I mumbled to the little old lady behind the desk. she simply nodded and pointed towards a table that had one other person sitting at it.. Cole.

 I walked over there without making eye contact with him I sat in the seat directly across from his.

"So why are you here?" he asked causing me to look up at him

"I don't even know" I shrugged and he laughed

"Well anyways, you're good freinds with the hot girl right?" He made eye contact with me, an eveil grin playing on his lips. I felt my blood begin to boil at the thought of him refrencing Natt like that.

"are you talking about Natalie" I narrowed my eyes at him

"Yeah, well we're hanging out after school today, she said she was down for it" he spoke while still mantaining the evil grin.

"Yeah?" I said mockingly, "well I'm gonna be there too and if you try anything on her I will-" I spoke furiously but he stopped me

"woah easy man, I'm just trying to have some fun" he smirked and I could feel my blood boiling. If it wasnt for the fact that I promised Natt we'd hang out with him after school today, I'd definetly beat the shit out of him right now. I couldn't help but think he reminded me of someone, I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was, but something about his voice, and the way he laughed. It immitaded someone's. I couldn't figure out who exactly, but I had a bad feeling about it.

The next 15 minutes flew by and before I knew it the bell had rung and I was making my way to my last class. I walk in and immediatly I see Natt talking to Cole. How the fuck did he get in here so fast? I walk over to them throwing my arm around Natt.

"Hey" I smiled down at her and she just glanced at me and turned back to Cole and started giggling. I just rolled my eyes and waited for the bell to ring signaling for us to all go to our seats. It really bothers me that she didnt even recognize my existence. She's never done that to me before.

"Hey" she whispered turning around to face me.

"Hey" I smiled and with that she turned back around. I noticed she ripped the corner off of her paper and wrote something down on it before turning back and handing it to me. I unfolded the tiny peice of paper.

Today after school is gonna be fun :)

I hope you're not mad about hanging out with him,

hell maybe you'll change your mind about not liking him because he seems like a

genuinely cool dude.


I really don't think so, I mean he gives me a bad feeling but, I'm gonna do this for her.

The class went by quickly due to the fact that we just took a few notes and watched some dumb video. After class me and Natt stood at the side waiting for Cole to finish talking to whoever he was talking to.

"Hey" he greeted walking over to us

"Hi" Natt giggled and I just nodded my head towards him. We began to walk out of the school. they continued to talk about random things as we walked to a little coffee shop that wasn't far from the school. I ordered me and Natt both a chocolate chip Mocha frappe. Cole ordered himself an iced coffee. we sat and talked about random things, him and Natt talked more than I did. The whole time I just couldn't shake the feeling that he was up to no good.

I still don't trust him.



I uploaded on time twice in a row wow.

I will definitely have the next chapter up next saturday

Thanks for reading

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