Chapter 9

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Natalie's pov

I don't get it. He's acting so weird. I don't see why he doesn't like Cole. I mean He's a good guy and he's funny and I like him so why doesn't Jacob.

I throw my shoes off and lay down in my bed. Darkness surrounds me and I'm lost in my thoughts. I've known Jacob all my life yet I've never seen him like this, I've never seen him look at me the way he did earlier, almost like he was upset, but also confused and didn't know how to handle it. I really like Cole I just wish he would get along with Jacob. It's weird though, because Jacob's not usually quick to judge but it's already obvious he doesn't like Cole.. and he hasn't said a word to me since we got home. I hope he's okay.. maybe I should check on him.

After thinking about it for five more minutes I stand up and walk to my door, as I open it the dim yellow light slowly swallows my room and I walk out and across the hall. I take a deep breath and knock on his door.

"Yes?" I hear him say in a tired voice

"Can I come in?" I speak slowly

"Yeah.. I guess" he sighs and I open the door, before the light can flood in I close it and make my way over to his bed sitting down beside him.

"Are you okay" I ask knowing damn well he's not

"If you call it that" he mumbles

"Whats wrong" I place my hand on his shoulder

"It's nothing important, you should get some sleep, I'll be okay" I can feel the warmth of his half fake smile, even in the darkness.

"If you say so" I sigh not wanting to push him.

"But hey, can I sleep in here tonight, my rooms kinda lonley" I whisper.

"Of course, c'mere" he giggles moving the blankets so I can join him underneath them. I do and immediately am greeted by the smell of him and his arms wrapping loosly around me.

I really do have the most amazing best friend. I drift off to sleep

FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora