Chapter 10

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~Jacobs pov~

The sound of my alarm going off woke  me out of a dead sleep. I open my eyes and reach for my phone to shut the damn thing off. After doing that I sit up and look around realizing Natt is no longer in here
"I guess she went to get ready" I mumble to myself and stumble over to my closet. I pick out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black vans shirt to go with it. Just as I'm about to walk away my old red flannel catches my eye and I grab it too. I take my shirt off as I walk towards my bed throwing my outfit down. I quickly get ready, slip on my black and white Hightop vans, grab my phone and back pack and head downstairs. Once in the living room I'm met with a pair of emerald green eyes and a bright smile.

"Good morning Jay" Natt giggles and I smile

"Morning Natt, you ready?" I ask noticing she's wearing Blue skinny jeans and a Blink Tee

"Yup" she says popping the 'p' and with that, we head off to school.

The school day went by as slow as ever, dragging through every class and at lunch Natt was completely distracted by Cole, who she had invited to sit with us. I really can't stand him so I just kept to myself and watched as they talked about everything and anything.

"Jacob??" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I was walking to the courtyard to meet Natt so we could head home.

"Yes?" I turned around and of course it had to be the only person I didn't want to see.

"I just wanted to warn you, Natalie is going to be mine and If you don't stop interfering I'm gonna have to deal with you myself if you know what I mean" He laughed evily

"Fuck off Cole, she's my best friend" I said, but instantly regretted when I saw his fist come up and felt a sharp pain on my right cheek

"Now, if you tell My Natalie about this little incident, I'll make your life a living hell" he growled before storming off

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