Chapter 2

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~~Jacobs P.o.v~~

I wake up and Natalie is clinging to me more than ever, Shes gripping onto my shirt and shes shaking, I start to wonder if shes okay. I lightly shake her and she jumps up with fear written all over her face.

"hey hey, I'ts just me your ok" I smile rubbing her back

"I had.. the worst nightmare.." She trails off

"what was it about" I ask and she takes a deep breath thinking before she speaks.

"It was you, and that Cameron guy, and he hurt you, really bad, and you we're practically dead right there in front of me.. then he tried to catch me but I ran.. I ran and left you there" She rambles and I pull her into a hug.

"Well look at me I'm perfectly fine and so are you" I smile and she does too. then we get out of bed and she runs out of the room and comes rushing back in seconds later holding her guitar

"I learned How to play Jesus of suburbia and Whatsername" She yelled and started strumming the familiar tune of Jesus of suburbia, and we both  started to sing.

"I'm The son of Rage and love, The Jesus of suburbia, from the bible of none of the above" We continued to sing until we finished the song.

"I hope we get to go on stage" She smiles setting her guitar down

"Yeah me too" I laugh and she smiles.

"dude that concert is tomorrow night" she says as if she just now realized it

"I know" I laugh and she does too. I love Making her laugh.

"Lets go get food I'm hungry" She complained and I agreed and stood up. She stared at me for a second before shaking her head and leaning against the wall as I slipped a shirt on. after that we both ran down the stairs.

"Hey mom" She laughed jumping over the back of the couch and landing next to Nikki.

"Good morning Nattie" she said with a small smile, Nattie was what  Nikki had always called her, and I asked why once and she wouldn't tell me. I didn't really think much about it then but now I'm more curious for some reason. I call her Natt though, I don't really know why it just came out of my mouth one day and became a thing.

"I'm hungry" She complained and Nikki laughed before speaking

"I knew you'd come down here and say that, theres eggs and bacon on the counter" She pointed and Natt jumped back off the couch running to the counter with me trailing behind. We got some food and put it on our plates. we decided to sit at the kitchen table and eat. Once we finished eating we went back up stairs and into my room.

"I would say lets go to Christy road but I doubt either one of our moms will let us" she sighed

"Who says we need permission" I smirk and she immediately caught on

"but how do we leave without them noticing" her smile grows

"Tell them were having a 'movie day' and not to interrupt us?" I suggest and she nods. We quickly run down stairs and yell for both of our moms and they come out laughing

"What" They say in unison

"We're going to have a movie day so don't interrupt us"  Natt said with a little laugh, she does that when she lies.

"Ok have fun" my mom said and Nikki nodded and with that Me and Natt ran upstairs and locked the door.

"Ok so we'll have to climb down from the window" I said and her face immediately changed to show fear.

"B-but we're on the second floor" She stuttered

"I know but its not that high up plus, I've done it before" I tried to reassure her, she just slowly nodded. We put on our shoes and grabbed our phones. I went down first and I stood on the ground looking up at her sitting in the window.

"I-I don't know If I can do this Jacob" She said, with fear written all over her face.

"D'you trust me" I asked 

"With my life" she whispered and I smiled

"This is gonna sound crazy, but Jump" I said with my arms out

"J-Jacob I- I don't know" She stuttered

"I wouldn't let you get hurt you know that" I said slowly and she closed her eyes

"On the count of three" She spoke quietly

"One, two, three" I whispered and she jumped. I caught her and she wrapped her arms around my neck holding on tightly. I smiled and whispered "I told you I'd catch you." She laughed and I set her down and we ran the whole way to Christy road, laying on the tracks out of breath.

"We're screwed if they figure out we're not in the room" She laughs

"That's what makes it exciting" I smile looking over at her

"Hell yeah" She sat up and looked around us

"Y'know, I love this place" She smiled

"Me too" I admire the way her green eyes light up when she smiles. We laid around talking and just doing whatever until it was almost seven o'clock. We ran back and I climbed back through the window and laid over the edge with my arm extended to help Natt up she grabbed my hand and ran up the wall grabbing onto the ledge with her other hand. I helped her through the window and I closed it. I then quickly scattered movie cases everywhere and put one in the dvd player to make it look like we had been watching them.

"Dinner!" I heard my mom yell and me and Natt unlocked the door and walked down stairs and sat at the table. Both of our moms gave us weird looks and me and Natt just looked at each other and shrugged, as did our moms. We ate quickly and hurried upstairs. Natt slept in my room again, The only thing on my mind was The Green Day concert we we're going to tomorrow night.



Chapter 2!! I know It was kind of boring but next chapter will be very eventful I promise

Next Chapter will also Have Billie's P.o.v and The band will be back in the story Lemme know what you guys think of this btw, because I'm trying to make it good Y'know?


As Always, I'll see you Little Idiots Next Chapter


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