chapter seventy nine

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We lay down next to each other and sighed happily.

Giving each other a smile.

''I'm gonna take a shower.'' 

I said and pushed myself up.

My eyes fell on the bed.  

It was covered in blood, making it look like some crime scene. 

''We need to ask for a new blanket.''

I said with a shaking voice.

You saw it too and gave me a sad smile.

''Did you period came?''

''I don't know! Probably! This never happened to me before. ''

''Calm down, it's no big deal.''

''I'm so sorry! I had no idea my period was coming, I can't even remember the date of the last time.''

I threw up in the middle of the hotel room.

All we need!

I started crying.

''Oh darling.''

''The day was so perfect and now it's ruined.''

You hold me in your arms.

''It's still perfect because I think you might be pregnant.''

My eyes got big when I looked at you in surprise.

''You think?''


You said, packing my cheek.

''You don't remember your last period, you throw up every morning, mood swings, blood after sex.''

''Oh, my, god.''

I escaped out of your grip and looked at myself in the mirror.

''But it can also be my period: mood swings and blood.''

''If you don't stop bleeding after about 2 days, then it's your period, but Miranda also had that a couple of times when she was pregnant of Flynn. Blood after sex.''

I needed to process and sat down at the edge of the bed.

The room was a mess anyway.

''We need to buy a test'' you said.

I massaged my forehead.

''Stop talking please.''

I tried to say it nice, but it failed miserably making me sound like a bitch.

Can it be true?

Is this really happening?

No, it's probably nothing.

And I fell exhaustedly asleep.

''Good morning, my fiancé''

You whispered in my ear and all the memories of yesterday came back.

The room was clean again.

Was it a dream? 

Before I could ask you a sick feeling came up and I ran towards the toilet.

I threw up.

I cried.

So many tears left my eyes.

I'm so done with it.

My whole body hurts.

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