Arthit hid his face even more as he heard Slate exploding and chuckled against Kongpob's neck. Kongpob rolled his eyes. "I asked the doc if it was safe or not, Slatey." Slate huffed, muttering: "We want him to be safe all the time. We cannot afford him to be weak. ......" Kongpob tuned his mutters off and said softly: "What do you want to do?" Arthit leaned back and looked at him: "I want to sleep." He was drowsy now that he had eaten so much. A nap was badly needed. Kongpob kissed his forehead and walked leisurely to their suite with Arthit falling asleep on his shoulder. Slate finally stopped muttering and said to Kongpob: "We are different to the demons here. We have other powers. So maybe there is hope. Maybe I can do it again." Kongpob inclined his head, waiting for Slate to try. And he did, several times. But it did not work. "The thread, Kongpob. It disappeared completely now. I can't see it." Slate was frustrated and as Kongpob put Arthit on bed, he said: "We need to ask the doc. Maybe he could help." 

Slate nodded. They teleported to find him. The doctor frowned at him: "Where is he? He is still too weak. I need to check if he is okay, coping with the pregnancy." "Sleeping. I'll bring him to you when he wakes up.", replied Kongpob and he sat down on the chair, staring down at the doctor. "You did not tell them about me, why?" The doctor smiled: "Because at that time, I did not know that you were our prince. But seeing the tense atmosphere between you and your parents, I don't think I am allowed to tell about that, right?" Kongpob leaned on his knees and looked at the ground as he said: "You are right. You must have noticed that I am different to you all. I- I was experimented on, doc. I was given more powers. All the species in me claimed him when we mated. We lost the demon soulmate bond and I can't sense the other claims too. Is there no hope at all?" "Can't your demon really sense anything?" Slate shook his head. But he suddenly remembered: "But he can hear me sometimes!!"

The doctor frowned and said: "He does? Then there is something? Maybe the baby? I need to know more about it before I could say anything." He stopped talking, suddenly realising something and then said: "You are a- a hy-" Kongpob stood up, raising his voice a little as he replied: "Yes, I am a hybrid." He turned his back and left the room. He nodded at his father when he found him at the door, standing there in shock. His father stopped him as he said weakly, Shadow uncontrollable inside him: "What did you just say?" Kongpob turned his head and said: "Exactly what you heard." Noah's eyes filled with tears as he whispered: "How?" Kongpob longed to hug him and just complain about everything just like he always did when he was little. But he clenched his fists and said coldly: "Ask your soulmate." And he teleported right in front of his father, showing Noah and Shadow how they lost the Kongpob they knew. That was not his cute and sweet, little boy anymore. "H-ybrid.", he said and Shadow growled. 

Slate scoffed: "You serious??? You could sense him coming to the door when you said the hybrid part. You knew dad would hear it!" Kongpob walked aimlessly in the palace as he replied: "I just wanted him to know." Hearing that, Slate fell silent and joined his master in his misery. Kongpob suddenly asked: "You think it was a mistake to come here?" Slate hugged his knees to him and said in a soft voice: "No, I am glad we are home. We may be angry with them but mommy and dad will help us. We- we just need to tell dad what happened to us, Kongpob." Kongpob stopped walking and his hands trembled as he stared at them: "Telling them how we became a monster? How my own mother turned me to that bitch?!" 

Slate recoiled from the pain as he whispered: "We both are hoping that it was just a misunderstanding. We both want to know the real truth. You refused to speak about it to Arthit when he told you he knows that it was not your mother. You are refusing to speak to me. You are refusing to speak about it at all. But we will have to. We will have to face it. There is no escaping it. Dad won't just sit back and wait for you to come and tell him. You know that." Kongpob shook his head, clutching his pained chest and went to his sleeping soulmate. Feeling the anxiety and sadness from his soulmate, Arthit frowned in his sleep. He was already worried for the soulmate bond. He rubbed his belly instinctively and tossed right and left in his sleep. But gradually, his frown faded away as he dreamed.

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