Chapter 51

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In the end, Diana could not convince Alyssa to postpone the wedding and Alyssa grabbed her hand: "Come, I'll show you my wedding dress!!" Pring was left alone with Robert who smiled at her: "I am finally going to be married, Pring. My dream is coming true." Pring smiled weakly back and took a deep breath. She walked to the door and closed it: "I have something to tell you, Robert." The latter smiled and caught her unaware as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She instantly tried to push him away. She had not drunk the potion today. She was scared of drinking it because of the pregnancy. She said: "Let me go, Robert."

Robert shook his head, touching her hand. And it happened. Robert instantly let her go as he felt something happen. Pring felt tears spring from her eyes and she turned to look at him in shock. A metamorph felt someone's feelings and memories when they took someone's form and Pring felt that of Robert. She trembled and pointed at him: "You- you betrayer!!!! You never loved me!! I WAS NEVER IN YOUR HEART!!" She crumbled down and sobbed: "You were just lusting after me..." Robert looked at the person who looked just like himself in front of him in disgust: "You are a metamorph!??" And Pring nodded, her tears rolling on her face. His disgust shredded her heart into pieces. She closed her eyes in pain. She could not bear it. She did not want to bear it. But still she wanted to know one last thing. 

"I am pregnant with your child.", she stated and watched Robert's reaction. The latter's face showed horror. He backed away and gestured: "What are you talking about??! KILL THAT MONSTER!! He should not be born!!" And this was it. That hateful glint that the girls saw in Pring's eyes when she had talked about the sorcerers blossomed into real hate. Into real obsession. And she turned her back to leave. "Mark my words, Robert. I'll be back. To destroy your life. To destroy that happy world that you are so excited to make." And being the chameleon she was, she disappeared into the night. Robert sat down and stared at the door in shock. What just happened? 

You would think that he would inform Alyssa about what happened to him and stop the wedding. No. Not even when Alyssa started to look for Pring. He even wrote a note that said: "I am going away, Alyssa. I wish you both a very good wedding and a happy married life ahead." and gave it to Alyssa. He proclaimed that it was Pring's note that she handed over when she suddenly left for an important business. Alyssa cried but Diana became suspicious of it instantly. She tried to tell Alyssa about it but the human princess was so absorbed into that love that she had for Robert that she never listened to what Diana was trying to tell her. Diana had looked at Irene desperately and the elf princess had sighed, helpless too.

And the wedding occurred. A few hours later, Robert was crowned King of the human planet. His dream came true. He was happy, very happy even though this was the same day that he learned that another woman was pregnant with his child. Watching the wedding occur with a heavy heart, Diana smiled for her best friend. But this day also started yet another mission of Robert. The mission of creating a distance between these best friends. He knew Diana was suspicious of him and he made it in such a way that Alyssa only met with Diana on her day of the claiming ceremony. Alyssa had walked into the big hall and saw Noah and Diana standing there, looking so royal. Diana had rushed to her, hugged her and said: "How are you, sweetheart? I tried so much to meet you but each time, you were so busy." Alyssa smiled and said: "I would never be that busy that I could not meet you, Diane. But anyway, congratulations, love."

Diana had smiled at her and said: "Thank you, Alyssa. Come and meet Noah." Irene too came with her mate, Demarcus and she was so happy to meet with her friends. She asked: "Still no news of Pring?" And both Alyssa and Diana shook their heads. Since Alyssa's wedding, Pring had disappeared completely from their lives. Diana had tried to search for her but to no avail. But then Alyssa smiled: "I am sure she is fine." And the ceremony started. Alyssa cried as she watched the two soulmates finally claim each other after such a long time. This was such a loving ceremony.

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