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Hi, am glad you get to read this book, I admit there are some mistakes so ima correct them soon, thanks for reading, please vote and comment, I feel ya all love I want this reach to 1k reads hopefully Amen....okay and if ya all still need the sequel lemme know...much love.

I woke up to the sound of guns firing and noise everywhere i just didn't understand, it was 12:am when I went to bed and now its 3am.

"Cassie get up, pack your important stuffs let's get outta here" my dad Drake said as I quickly packed my gadgets and followed him.

"Dad what's going on" I asked him as we took the back door. "These people are after me, am gonna take you some were, don't question me just listen" he said as we got into the car and drove off.

"Am taking you to Chicago, you are going to live with a man called Rio, his 24 and his not the one to mess around with,

but he will take care of you....you're documents have already been fixed you are to be his wife, and that way you will be save" my dad said.

"Wait, what.....you mean am getting married...married to someone I've never met dad" I said to him.

"Yes I know that, but these people are after me, all my properties are in your name, and what they want is withchu.

But as you have married Rio, no one will suspect or reach you and that that thing is save witchu" he paused.

"I know this is hard, but ima come back and find you, till then you're miss Joyner, Rios wife" my dad said as tears fell from my eyes.

"Am just 20 dad, how am I gonna marry someone ion even know" I asked him as he ignored me.

"Rio will explain everything to you, be strong, I'll find you, I love you" he said as we got down, he then walked me to the private jet and closed the door.

I couldn't believe I was going to live without my dad, I know I have to protect whatever he has but he said he will find me again, till then I have to be strong.

Okay ya all....this is just the beginning, you know ma books don't be long so, ion know but please lemme know if its good thanks for reading....

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