letting go | three

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letting go ; part three

"You did it Yeonwoo, you did it. You're finally cancer free!" Hyebin shouted from happiness.

Tears fell down from her eyes seeing her bestfriends finally okay after fighting for two years.

"I'm so happy Yeonwoo." She hugged her bestfriend so tight earning a chuckle from the latter.

"Let go, I can't breathe!" Yeonwoo laughed, detaching herself from Hyebin's tight grip.

"I can't believe we can finally go out together again! I'm calling the squad. We're celebrating!" Hyebin squealed in joy.

One moment she was crying then the next she was jumping like a little kid.

Yeonwoo couldn't help but smile at her bestfriend, she didn't deserve her.

Through those painful years, Hyebin was always there for her and Yeonwoo couldn't explain how thankful she was to have her.

"Hyebin?" Yeonwoo said, calling out to her bestfriend.

Hyebin raised a brow, asking her to continue. "I genuinely can't express how thankful I am to have you. Thank you for always being there for me, you're my rock. I love you so much."

Yeonwoo couldn't hold it anymore, she hugged her bestfriend while tears escaped from her hazel eyes.

"You're such a cry baby, now look I'm crying too! I love you bitch."

"Now we look awful. Now let's go and celebrate. I miss the girls!" Yeonwoo said enthusiastically while wiping her tears.

She missed the girls, they occasionally visit her but they lately they've been busy with their own careers.

They all knew what happened to her, except Nancy. Ever since that day, she didn't want to hear anything about Yeonwoo.

Her friends tried to talk to her, they wanted to tell her that Yeonwoo was sick and she never cheated on her.

But Nancy was too hurt, just hearing Yeonwoo's name disgusted her. Until today, she believed Yeonwoo cheated on her.

If only she knew Yeonwoo was fighting for her life just to be with her but it was all in the past anyway.

"They miss you too Yeonwoo but are you ready to finally see her?"

"I'm more than ready Hyebin, I did this all for her."

"About that.... Nancy kinda hates your guts. You're going to have to try hard." She said whil scratching her nape.

With a smirk, she said "I'm Lee Da Bin. What I want, I get."

"You're way too confident Dabin-ah, do you think she'll take you back? The girl thinks you cheated on her." Hyebin said unsure or Yeonwoo's decision.

"About that... I was planning to tell the truth." She was ready, she just hopes Nancy understands.

"Good luck on that Yeonwoo."

It was the day after and the girls agreed to celebrate at the bar. They were excited and happy to finally see Yeonwoo healthy and strong.

While Nancy? She was irritated, she didn't want to see a single trace of Dabin but the girls forced her anyway.

It's been two years and she's finally happy with her life but there's still an empty void in her heart.

But in those two years, she met a guy. Baekhyun they call him. He was there to help Nancy heal her broken heart. He gave him everything and he treated her like a princess.

Yet Nancy knew, no one could beat Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo was everything she ever wanted but it was all on the past anyway.

"Nancy, let's go!" She saw a joyful pink headed girl barge into her room.

"Do I really need to go JooE? It's been two years, I don't want to see her." Nancy hissed at the thought.

"Exactly! It's been two years, you should talk to her. You know, maybe closure?" JooE suggested, she knew everything and to be completely honest, she want them back together.

"I hate her JooE, do you not understand? She cheated on me." She said with disgust.

"If you only knew Nancy, you should have listened to us before."

She rolled her eyes, "Listen to what? All of your lies? I'm your bestfriend JooE, don't make lies for her sake."

"For someone so smart, you really are goddamn stupid. Just don't regret not listening to us once you find the truth." JooE was frustrated.

"I don't care, besides I'm happy with Baekhyun." She boasted off.

"Whatever you say Nancy, now come on the girls are waiting for us."

The two girls went their way to one of the most popular bar in Seoul. The ride there was silent, it was obvious that Nancy was not in the mood.

Ten minutes into the drive, they've finally reached their destination. JooE had to practically drag Nancy, she was stubborn to say the least.

"Stop being stubborn, I know you want to see Yeonwoo!"

She rolled her eyes, "You're talking nonsense, why would I want to see a cheater?"

With that JooE kept quiet, she knew sooner or later Nancy would stop denying her feelings.

Once they enter the club, the were greeted by the loud sound and people making out everywhere.

The walked around looking for the VIP section and finally they saw the girls.

"Tropicana! Nanshi-yah!" Jane called out to them.

The two smiled at her and went inside the VIP section but when they went inside, someone was missing.

"You're looking for her right?" Daisy teased, seeing the expression on Nancy's face.

"Idiot! I was looking for Hyebin unnie."

"Sorry what? I can't hear through your lies." Ahin butted in, teasing the younger.

"Don't worry Nancy, she's on her way with Hyebin unnie. You'd see the love of your life soon." Nayun winked at her playfully earning a scoff.

"You guys really want me back with a cheater? God." She said with disgust.

"Just wait till you hear the whole story Nancy, Yeonwoo will explain everything."

"You know what, I'm so tired of this. I'm leavin–"

Just as Nancy was about to finish a sentence, a feminine voice interrupted her.

"Going already? Don't you miss me?"

a/n I hope 2019 would be a better year for you guys! Happy new year loves!! ❤️

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