Chapter 21

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Zach💕: So we are in Michigan today. We perform tomorrow. I wish you could be there

Abby💙: I wish I could be there too Zach, trust me, I wish I could be there

Zach💕: I really want to meet you In person. Like soon

Abby💙: I wanna meet you too Zach

Zach💕: when I see you in person I'm gonna give you the biggest hug ever

Abby💙: as long as I don't die from that hug it's okay😂

Zach💕: when we meet can we get chipotle

Abby💙: I swear all you think about is food

Zach💕: I'm sorry. I'm a growing boy. I need food

Abby💙: lol. Yes we can get chipotle


Abby💙: I swear your a little kid

Zach💕: I am at heart❤️

Abby💙: were you dropped when you were a baby

Zach💕: probably 🤷🏼‍♂️

Abby💙: that explains a lot

Zach💕: Ik I'm pretty stupid aren't I

Abby💙: yes


Abby💙: oopsies 🙂🙂

Zach💕: dw I still love you❤️❤️❤️❤️

Abby💙: I love you too Zach❤️ I have to go my dad called me. Byeeee Zach❤️❤️

Zach💕: Byeeeee bb❤️❤️

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