Chapter 16

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Abby's POV
-incoming call from Zach💕-

Maybe I didn't think this through. I have been in love with Zach and his voice since the beginning. I snapped myself out of the little daze I was in and quickly looked into the mirror. My hair was in a messy bun, I had no makeup on, and I was wearing a baggy sweatshirt, in other words I looked like a potato.

   I wanted to take out my hair but as I set my phone down I accidentally pressed the accept button. A smiling, happy boy appeared on the screen. I instantly shut off my camera while a noise quite like a sequel escaped my mouth.

      "Are you okay?" Zach said with a small laugh. It just now hit me. I am on facetime with my music idol. 

   "Totally!" I said but it came out as a squeak. Zach laughed even harder. Oh my god his laugh! 

    "Show your face!" He whined.

   "No." I said, this time it sounded normal. 

    "Why not!!" He complained. While he was complaining I began taking my hair out of its messy bun. 

    "Because I look like an absolute potato right now. I am the definition of ugly at the moment also." I explained. A scoff could easily be heard. 

    "Don't say that Abby. You are absolutely beautiful." This comment made me blush. Slowly I picked up my phone and turned my camera on. A huge smile spread across his face. 

    "See. You are so gosh dang beautiful." He said with a huge smile. My cheeks reddened even more. I quickly covered one of my cheeks with my sweatshirt sleeve. This made him roll his eye. I walked out of my bathroom and walked over to my bed. I plopped down and propped my phone on a few of my books from school. 

    "So how has your weekend been?" He asked. I shrugged. 

   "Very boring. My sister was going on and on about you band. I mean I love you all and but man it got so annoying!" I said rolling my eyes. He laughed and nodded.

    "I mean I am just too awesome. Why wouldn't she want to talk about me." He boasted. I rolled my eyes with a smile. 

    "You and I both know I am still and will forever be in love with Jonah." I said with a shrug. His smile instantly turned into a straight line. 

    "Not cool Abby. Not cool." He said plainly. I gave him the biggest smile ever. I could tell he was fighting back a smile as well. 

    So that is pretty much how we talked for a few hours. As the hours passed it got darker outside. I didn't pay attention to the time much until I noticed it was pitch black outside. I huge yawn escaped my mouth as I saw how late it was. 

    "Are you tired?"  He asked. I shook my head even though I was beyond tired, but I still wanted to talk to him. 

     "What time is it for you?" He asked. I shrugged and looked over at my alarm clock that sat on my little white bedside table. 

    "It is currently 1:30 AM." I said with a shrug. He nodded. 

    "That makes sense. I forgot about the time difference. It is only 10:30 for me." He said with a small laugh. I smiled and laid back on my bed. I turned my phone sideways so he can still see me. 

 "ZACH!" I heard the all to familiar voice of Daniel yell. 

   "WHAT!" He yelled back. 

   "COME HERE! JACK GOT HIS HAND STUCK IN THE PEANUT BUTTER JAR AGAIN!" Daniel yelled. This made me burst out into laughter. Who gets their hand stuck in a p peanut butter jar. Zach rolled his eyes. 

    "I will be back." He said and stood up. I laughed again and nodded. As soon as he was out of frame I laid my head down on my pillow. I slowly closed my eyes. Darkness surrounded me as I fell into sleep.  

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