Chapter 17

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Abby's POV

Slowly I opened my eyes. I groaned and rolled over. I then heard light snoring. Wait I don't snore, plus I am half awake. The last I checked people don't snore when they are half awake. My eyes snapped open and landed on my phone that was on my desk. On my phone was a sleeping Zach. I looked away for a sec before my head snapped back to my phone. As I see him asleep I remembered our many conversations we had. Then I remembered falling asleep when Zach left to go help Jack.

  I looked at myself in the little box and cringed. My hair was everywhere and had multiple knots in it. Grabbing my phone, I stood up and went to the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I sat my phone on the counter and muted it.

 After I did my business I turned on the shower. I stripped my clothes and opened the shower door. I stepped into the shower, the hot water instantly relaxed me. 

When I got out of the shower I wrapped myself in a towel. I looked over at phone to see Zach still asleep but this time he was facing away from me. With a sigh of relief at the fact Zach can not see me in a towel, I grabbed my phone and walked into my closet. I picked out a random outfit and got dressed. 

    When I came back to my phone I noticed Zach was still asleep. Surprise, surprise. I smiled at him and walked out of my closet. I looked at my clock to see it was 11:00 am so he it would be 9 for him. 

    With my phone in my hand I walked over and sat down on my bed. I grabbed my American Lit. book and Algebra book, then pulled them onto my lap. I opened up my American Lit. book and started the paper Mr. Gravis assigned. 

 After a while of sitting on my bed doing so homework I heard a noise from my phone. I looked over to see Zach stirring. Probably meaning he was waking up. I smiled at the screen and turned back to my homework. I heard a yawn and my eyes snapped back to my phone. He still didn't notice I was there.

After a few minutes he finally noticed me. His brown eyes connecting with my brown ones. He looked confused at first but once he realized that it was me a huge smile took over his face.

     "Good morning." He said in a morning voice. His morning voice was very raspy yet it had a sweet tune to it.

    "Good morning for you. It's almost 12 pm here." I said with a smile.

"What time did you wake up?" He asked.

    "About 9. So I have been up for about 3 hours." His smile fell a little bit but then it got big again.

   "Why didn't you hang up? You could have." He said. I smiled at that.

 "The question is why didn't you hang up last night when you came back?" I said with a smile. He chuckled. 

    "I didn't hang up because I have seen people do this in movies so I thought why not." I laughed at this. Not once have I seen someone in a movie fall asleep on facetime. 

     "I won't be able to talk much today." Zach said. This made me feel sad for some reason.

    "Oh okay." I said trying not to sound hurt. Even though I tried to cover it up I think Zach noticed. 

     "Hey don't be sad. I have to pack for tour and I have meetings all day. Trust me if I could sit here and talk to you all day I would." I smiled slightly at this. 

    "I still wish you could come to one of the concerts." I smiled sadly.

    "I told you I have to go to Australia to see my dad." He frowned but nodded anyway. 

    "ZACH WE HAVE TO GET READY! WE NEED TO LEAVE IN 10 MINUTES!" I heard someone yell. He sighed. 

    "How about I call you tonight." I nodded and smiled. 

"Bye Abby. I love you." I smiled and blew a kiss.

   "Bye Zach. I love you too."

Zach hung up the phone and I laid back down on my bed. I'm gaining real feelings for Zach and I'm gaining them fast.

 Just as I stood up something didn't feel right with my stomach. I instantly ran into the bathroom. As soon as I made it to the toilet I vomited. Once I was done I cleaned my face and made my way out of my room. 

  "Mom!" I yelled. There was no response so I ran downstairs. 

   "Mom!" I yelled once again. When there was no reply my heart rate began to pick up. What if she left me here. What if she is dead. What if she got kidnapped. All these questions shot through my brain. 

   I heard laughter then my front door opened. My mom and my two sisters walked in holding multiple grocery bags. My mini panic attack quickly ended and I smiled.

   "Not gonna lie I thought you guys died." I said with a laugh. They soon joined me. I grabbed a few of the bags from Kelsey. 

   "Honey we have bad news." Mom said. I looked at her confused. 

   "Derek is back in town for graduation." I froze at the mention of his name. Derek. The things he did to me. I hate him.

   "Hey lets go to your room." Kelsey said pulling me away from the kitchen.

   "So are you all packed for Australia?" Kelsey asked me after we helped my mom put away the groceries. 

  "No not yet. I have been helping Rylie pack." I said as we walked into my room. 

   "So tell me about this Zach boy Rylie always tells me about. She said you also love him." She asked. I shrugged a blush rising on my cheeks. 

 "He is just a boy from my favorite band." I said with a smile at the thought of him. 

   "Have you ever talked to him before?" She questioned me. 

     "Maybe." I said with a small smile. She smiled big and hit me on the arm. 

   "Tell me all about it." She said. Kelsey is definitely is the sister I connect to more. Don't get me wrong I love Rylie but I can always go to Kelsey for things. She listens to me and understands me. Before I could tell her the feeling in my stomach came back. I quickly stood up and ran to my bathroom. I threw up, cleaned my face and walked back in my room. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. 

"So what's up about that Zach guy. Tell me everything."

   So I told her. I told her all about how he accidentally messaged me thinking I was Jonah. How he calls me bb and other cute nicknames. I also told her about our call that we had. 

   "This dude totally likes you!" She exclaimed. My cheeks blushed and I shook my head. 

  "I am just a boring old farm girl from Michigan. There is no way someone like him would like me. Stuff like that only happens in movies." I said. She rolled her eyes. 

   "Think what you want little sister. Trust me I know when someone likes you." She said before walking out of my room. 

   What if Zach did like me. No that's crazy. People like him don't like people like me. I am just so boring and normal. There is no way....right?

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