⇢ Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

"I'm home," Hizashi yells as he throws his bag on the floor. "Papa, welcome home!" Eri jumps up from the couch where she was brushing Shota's hair. "Hi baby, look who came home with me." Hizashi turns to show the boys coming in, Shota groans when he notices all the boys.

"Kacchan!!! Kirishima!!" Eri squeals when she jumps on her favorite couple, of course beside her parents. "Hey Eri. Look what I got you," Kirishima gives Eri a cat shape keychain. "Awe! I love it, thank you!" Eri says as she gives Kirishima a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, what about me?" Denki asked with arms open. "Pikachu!" Eri yells making Shota and the boys laugh. Denki is used to being called Pikachu so it doesn't bother him anymore. "Are you and Shoto still together?" Eri asked with a sad voice.

"Yes we are, little princess, don't worry." Todoroki answers for Denki, giving him a little kiss on the cheek. "Yay, I was sad when I heard it. So stay together, okay? And you too, Kirishima and Kacchan." Eri says with a smile.

"If shitty hair wants to leave me, he better die first." Bakugo grumbles as he stares at the red head who only laughed. "Awe babe, I will never leave you." Kirishima says as he hugs Bakugo only to get pushed off making Eri laugh. As Eri starts hugging the rest of the boys, she notices Deku isn't with them.

"Hey, where is Deku?" Eri asked, a frown on her face. "He had to go home and pack but he coming later on with Toshi." Hizashi explains. Eri smiles knowing that Deku is staying over and Toshi is coming home. "Hey, why did you bring them here, you know Nemuri and Yuu are coming." Shota whispers to Hizashi.

"I know but they wanted to see Eri. I know Saturday's are your Daddy/Eri day so I didn't want to bring her with me." Hizashi says as he looks at Eri showing off her Hello Kitty plush to the boys. Shota knows how much Eri loves the boys so he let it go.. for now. After a few hours, Nemuri arrives with Yuzuke, "Auntie Nemuri!! Yuzuke!!" Eri runs over to Nermuri.

"Hey princess. Can you take this please. Yuu send some cookies for you." Nemuri says as she hands a bag with cookies to Eri. Eri loves Yuu's cookies, taking it and makes sure everyone knew they were her cookies. "Hey baby boy, you getting so big." Hizashi coos as he grabs his son giving him kisses. Nemuri laughs and gives Hizashi a kiss on the cheek and waves at the boys as she heads into the kitchen where Shota is sitting at the table drinking his coffee.

"Hey Shota, what you doing here?" Nemuri asks as she sits with Shota. "Nothing, just been thinking." Shota mumbles.

"About?" Nemuri pushed, wanting to know. "I just got a call from the Eri case worker. She told me someone called saying he may be Eri's father." Shota says with sadness laced in his voice. Nermuri expression changed in shock, "What? What will happen now?"

"She said she's going to look into it, for me not to worry. If he wants anything to do with Eri he will have to take me to court within those two weeks. After that he loses whatever rights he has. Unless he is determined to fight for her." Shota explains.

"Well if he wants a fight, we will give him one because no one is taking Eri away from us. No one!" Nemuri exclaims as she hits the table with her fist making everyone look at her. "I know, I will fight until my last breath. I just knew something like this will happen. Everything is going to smooth. I just have to be ready for anything." Shota sighs. Then, Hizashi walks over to make sure everything is okay.

"Hey, whats going on?" Hizashi asked. Shota tells Hizashi about the call and of course Hizashi says the same thing Nemuri did. They are all willing to fight for Eri, she is theirs and no one will take her away.

"Anyways, where is Yuu?" Shota questioned as he takes another sip of his coffee. "She isn't feeling too good. So thanks for taking Yuzuke for the night." Nemuri replies as she smiles at the black haired male.

"Of course, he is our son. Is she getting sick from the medicine?" Hizashi asked with a small tilt of his head. Yuu has been taking medicine to see if it will help her to get pregnant. "Yeah.. I told her it's okay, she doesn't need to do this but she wants to carry a child herself. So I'll help her in any way that I can." Nemuri sighs with a slight sadness in her voice. Shota holds Nemuri's hands, knowing it hurts her to see the women she loves is hurting.

"Okay! Thats enough sad talk. Doesn't Yuzuke look like Hizashi?" Nemuri coos trying to change the topic while pinching Yuzuke's cheeks making the baby giggle. "Yeah, he does but looks like he's gonna have black hair like you, Nemuri." Shota points out as he holds Yuzuke. Yuzuke is still too young to really look like anyone yet but you can see he has Hizashi's nose and lips and Nemuri's eyes. They both made a really cute baby.

"Hey Coach, did you sleep with Nemuri or jerked off in a cup?" Denki asked only to get hit in the head by Bakugo. "Shit head, you don't ask that dumbass question!" Bakugo snarls at Denki making the blonde whine and bother Kirishima that his boyfriend hit his head too hard now he might die—what a drama queen.

"What the hell man?" Hizashi snaps at poor Denki who is getting yelled at by everyone. "What?! I just wanted to know!" Denki whines. "You're funny and he jerked off in a cup." Nemuri says, laughing. "Hey, if you don't say anything he will keep asking" Nemuri says when Shota looked at her like why would you tell him.

"Why is everyone laughing?" Eri asked as she returns after eating half of the cookies. "Nothing sweetie, and did you eat the cookies?" Hizashi asked as he wipes the crumbs off her clothes. "Um..no?!" Eri exclaims making everyone just laughs at how cute Eri gets when she gets caught doing something bad. Some time has passed and the boys finally left and Nermuri did as well. Shota set up Yuzuke's crib in the room and placed him down to sleep. Eri falls a sleep on Shota's and Hizashi's bed wanting to stay with Yuzuke.

"I'm done cleaning, has Toshi called you?" Hizashi questioned as he was done cleaning the living room and kitchen. "Yeah, he said he's staying with Deku. He didn't sound so good. Hope what Eri said isn't true." Shota says, worried that they might break up. "What did she say?" Hizashi wanted to know. Shota tells Hizashi what Eri told him at the diner and Hizashi said he heard the same thing but know they love each other so they shouldn't worry.

"Anyways, I met the neighbor. He's young, in his twenties. Touya is his name," Shota explains as he closes the door behind him and the two goes to the livingroom. "Cool and I'm guessing you don't like him by the way you said it." Hizashi jokes knowing how Shota is.

"Yeah, I don't like him and Eri too. So just watch out for him, okay?" Shota said sternly making the blonde laugh and hold his hands up in defense. "Okay, I will. But remember you didn't like me either." Hizashi said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, I know but he's different I don't trust him." Shota says. "Okay babe, I'll trust your instincts." Hizashi replies as he kisses Shota. "Babe.. I'm horny." Hizashi whispers to Shota who looks at him with a smile. They both start kissing intensely, grinding on each other. "We have to be quick so you can take me." Shota whispers in Hizashi's ears.

Hizashi just nods as he goes to take off Shota's pants only to hear, "Papa, what you doing to Daddy?" Eri asked sleepily as she is standing next to the couch rubbing her eyes. "N-Nothing baby, Papa was just being clingy. Come on, lets go to bed." Shota says as he pushes Hizashi off. Shota takes Eri back to her room to sleep and looks at Hizashi mouthing, "Stay there, I'll be back." Hizashi lays on the couch, waiting for his husband to come back hopefully soon because he is rock hard. Lets just say Shota ran back down and they finally was able to do a quick one because Yuzuke woke up crying. Parenthood, what can I say.

Poor Shota and Hizashi, they need some alone time soon!! 😤🤣

Next chapter will be up in two weeks.

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