⇢ Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

It's Saturday morning and Shota is laying in bed waiting for his cuddle buddy to come downstairs. He hears the little footsteps running down the stairs and the door swing open "I'm Here!!!" Eri says proubly and loudly. "Of all the things she has to pick up from Hizashi, it had to be his loudness, right?!" Shota thought to himself.

He lifts up his blanket for Eri to crawl into bed, holding her Hello Kitty plush Shota got her and lay next to him. Shota loves his cuddles on Saturday's with Eri, as she lays in his arm she began to twirl his hair. Hizashi is at the school with the boys for practice since the school now forbids practice to be outside of school, guess all the complaints from the other neighbors made the principal decision final. Hitoshi stays over his mother house on the weekends, their relationship is a lot better now but Hitoshi wanted to live with Shota because he is his father and also he wanted to be with Eri.

So on Saturday's, it's Daddy/Eri day, they lay in bed a little longer before Shota tells Eri to get ready so they can go get breakfast at their favorite place. Eri jumps up and runs upstairs to get ready as Shota throws on his sweatspants and Eri's favorite sweater she picked out. "I'm ready Daddy!" Eri says as she runs down in her cat sweater, cat leggings with ruffle skirt and her Hello Kitty ears.

Shota just smiles, seeing how freaking cute Eri looks. "Yay, you're wearing your cat sweater, granny Chiyo would love it." Eri says as she smiles widely. Yes, Shota is wearing a colorful cat sweater to match Eri, he doesn't care what anyone says, he would fight them. They head into Chiyo's diner where she just gushes over Eri.

"Hi, granny Chiyo!" Eri says with a smile as she waves. "Hello, my kitty. You are looking more adorable every time I see you. Come give granny a big hug." Chiyo says as she opens her arms for Eri to give her a hug.

"Chiyo, I didn't know you have a granddaughter." A customer says. "Yes, this is Eri and this is my son in law, Shota. He's married to Hizashi." Chiyo says proudly. "Ah Hizashi! I haven't seen him in a while or Toshinori." the customer responds back.

"Oh, uncle Nori is away on a trip with auntie Inko. He promised to bring me back a gift." Eri answers all cutely making everyone awe. Chiyo takes them to their favorite booth and brings out their pancakes. "Daddy, is Toshi still with Deku?" Eri asked as she stuff her face with her pancake.

"Why would you ask that? They are, Deku is coming over later to stay the week. Remember, Nori asked us to stay with him?" Shota explains, confused. "Oh, okay, good.. because I heard Kacchan say that they broke up like Denki and Shoto." Eri says.

"Wait, Pikachu and half and half broke up?" Shota, even more confused, asked. He wasn't all that big with gossip but this was juicy. "Yeah, but then I heard Mina say they got back together because Denki refused to accept it. Did you know Shoto's dad was in a accident?" Eri says leaving Shota even shocked. Eri is like a little ball of gossip. Where is she even getting all this information?

"I know about Enji's accident, it was scary for his family. I'm just glad he's okay." Shota says. "Me too. He's nice when I go visit Auntie Nemuri. His assistant is really cool. I like him." Eri says with a smile.

"Ah, you're talking about Hokusu. Yeah, he's okay.. but kinda annoying." Shota says with a laugh when he see Eri pouts. They finished up their breakfast and heads back home. "Daddy, who is that?" Eri says as she points to a young black hair guy sitting outside.

"I think thats the neighbor." Shota says, recognizing the guy from that one time Shota had his mail and went to give it to him. Eri, not liking new people, hides behind Shota as they walk to the door.

"Hey there, cutie. I love the outfit." The guy says as he smiles at Eri who hides a little more. "Thank you.." Eri replies softly, still hiding behind Shota. "Sorry Kitty, I don't mean to scare you. I'm Touya, whats your name?" Touya asked, the same smile on his face. Eri looks at Shota and Shota answers for her.

"This is Eri, I'm Shota. You must be the neighbor?" He looks at him suspiciously, placing his hand on Eri's head in a slight protective manner.

"Yeah, we just moved in. Love the sweater," Touya says, almost jokingly with a smirk. "Hey, don't be mean to my Daddy, or else my Papa will beat you up." Eri tried to growl at him, not seeming scary one bit.

"I'm sorry, Kitty, I wasn't making fun. I like cats, too, so the sweater is cool. It looks really good on your dad." Touya says with a sly smile. "Go inside, Eri and clean up your room. Nemuri and Yuu are coming over to bring Yuzuke." Shota says as he rushes Eri inside. She just nods and runs upstairs.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make her uncomfortable," Touya says as he sits down. "She's not good with people she doesn't know, so it's fine. Anyways, can you please not smoke in the house since she's home and I'll have a baby coming over soon." Shota asked politely as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, it's cool. That's why I'm out here. I just finished. So, you wanna join me in the next round or you can't do anything without 'Papa'~" Touya teased with another lopsided sly smile.

"Nah, I'm good. But just do me a favor and stay away from my kids and my Husband." Shota said with a slight harsh tone only making Touya smile.

"I like you. So I'll stay away from your family but does that means I can bother you, then?" Touya asked as he gets up, standing in front of Shota, running his fingers through his hair. "Just to let you know, if you want me you better spread for me because I top." Shota says as he pushes Touya's hands away from his hair. Touya just smiles and licks his lips as he was ready to taste Shota.

"How about you spread for me? I'll make you feel better than your husband could." Touya snarked back. "I doubt it. If I'm ever gonna spread, it's going to be with my husband, not some little bitch like you." Shota growled as he pushes Touya away before walking inside. Touya just stands there, laughing a little to himself. "He's interesting, I like him.." Touya thought to himself.

"Yo Dabi, what the hell are you doing?" This pale guy who looked like he needed lotion bad. "Nothing, just found a interesting toy to play with." Touya says with a smirk. "Well whatever, but remember we have a job to do so relax." The pale guy says as he scratches his arm and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Damn, Tomura, did you get more pale or something?" Touya teased with a laugh making Tomura stick his middle finger up at him.

Shota gets inside and sees Eri sitting on the stairs. "Daddy, I don't like him." Eri says with a sad look, crossing her arms over her chest with a small pout. "It's okay baby, I really don't like him either. Just be careful with him, okay? I don't think he will do anything to you or Toshi but if he does, tell me and Papa and we'll take care of him, okay princess?" Shota said softly as he sits next to Eri, giving her a kiss on her head.

"Okay Daddy. I better clean. I can't wait to see baby Yuzuke!" Eri exclaims happily as she runs to her room to clean. Shota just sits on the stairs, thinking about his encounter with Touya, "I don't like him. I don't know why I hate him so much. Damn, why does he piss me off so much?" Shota thinks to himself as he messes up his hair. "...whatever, I just need to keep him aways from the kids and Hizashi—especially Hizashi. He's too damn friendly for his own good." Shota thought as he gets up and starts cleaning before everyone gets home.

Dabi made an appearance!! What kind of trouble will he start?!

From now on I'll update every two weeks.. hopefully.

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