⇢ Chapter 31.

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Chapter 31.

"Mr. Aizawa, you can go inside to see your husband. But the children can't go in today." The nurse said.

"But I wanna see daddy." Eri says sadly.

"I know baby and you will, but not today okay. You and Toshi can see him tomorrow." Hizashi says as he gives Eri a kiss on her head. Eri just nods and holds on to Hitoshi arm.

"Nori, can you come with me," Hizashi asks.

"Of course." Toshinori says as he walks with Hizashi to see Shota. As they walk they pass Touya room, Enji and Rei are already inside with him.

"I want to hate him but why can't I?" Hizashi asks.

"Because you know he isn't bad. He just made a bad choice but was trying to fix it. Shota knew that." Toshinori says.

Hizashi just rubs his forehead and just mumble, "yeah... I guess so." As he continues to walk to Shota room. They arrived to Shota room and Hizashi frozed. Shota laying on the bed with tubes and wires coming out of him. His black hair laid around the pillow. Skin pale, hearing the machine beeping, helping him breathe.

Hizashi let's out a grasp hand on his mouth tears falling. He feels his legs about to give out, he would have falling if it wasn't for Toshinori holding him up.

"Shota," Hizashi whispers. He slowly walks over to Shota. Sitting next to him he holds his hand. "Shota, it's me, your husband." Hizashi says as he runs his fingers through Shota hair. "Come on... please wake up." He silently begged. "Please, wake up. I need you... we need you. You have to wake up, Shota... Please wake up." Hizashi begged as he lay his head on Shota hand crying. Toshinori trying so hard not to cry but failing.

After some time Shoto, Natsu and Fuyumi arrived at the hospital with the boys following after. "Mom?! What happened?" Natsu asked as he runs to his mother. Rei explained what happened and they couldn't believe it. "What... why? What the hell was Touya thinking?" Natsu shocked at what happens.

"He wanted to fix his wrongs." Rei said.

"Why aren't you inside with dad?" Shoto asked.

"Keigo is inside with him now. Did you know they was dating?" Rei said with a small smile.

"Really?! I always thought he liked dad." Shoto says. Rei just laughs, she knew people thought that but she knows Keigo respects Enji and she glad Touya has someone good by his side.

"But Touya likes Hawks?" Eri said as she walks over to Rei. Rei picks up Eri and places her on her lap.

"Hawks is Keigo DJ name. Guess Touya wanted to reveal the secret himself. Sorry for spoiling it." Rei says.

"No, it's okay. When Touya wakes up I'll act surprise." Eri says as she shows her surprise face making Rei laugh.

Nemuri is walking back and forth twirling her hair. "Sweetie, seat down. Nori said he will come out so you can go see Shota." Yuu says trying to get Nemuri to calm down.

"I can't! I'm so fucking pissed right now. That fucking Kai! I know he did this. He's always hurting Shota. He fucking did this that fucking son of a bitch. I wanna fucking killing him. I'm gonna kill him. Fuck! I hate him... I'm gonna kill him...." Nemuri stops her rant after getting slapped on her head. "What the fuck Nori?!" Nemuri yelled.

"Calm down Nemuri!" Toshinori says sternly making Nemuri quiet. "We get it!! We are all upset. But saying stupid shit like that isn't going to help. You don't think I'm pissed?! Seeing my best friend... no, my brother like that? Laying there helplessly. Seeing his husband crying begging him to wake up. Seeing his kids heartbroken — worrying if their father will wake up. You don't think I'm pissed? That fucking bastard hurt Shota before ruining our friendship, and we didn't talk for years! You think I'm gonna let him take Shota away from me... from us. You don't think I want to rip his fucking throat out, stomp his fucking head in? I want to rip him apart! But dwell Shota want that? How do you think he will feel when he wakes up to find out we are in jail for murder? Will that make him feel better? Will he want that? No, he wouldn't. All we can do is stay by his side and pray that he will wake up so he can fight for his daughter. All we can do is wait for him to wake up. He will wake up. Shota isn't weak, he's strong — he has us as his family, so all we can do is wait. And wait for Touya to wake up, as well. He risked his life to help Eri, and anyone who does that isn't a villain." Toshinori says with tears and full conviction.

Everyone was shock to hear Toshinori speak like that, he usually so well mannered but he released all the anger and hurt he felt at that moment. "Wow, Nori... last time you yelled like that it was when I crashed your car." Nemuri jokes.

Toshinori looks at her and laughs, "yeah, and you still owe me $10,000." Toshinori says making Nemuri walk away like she didn't hear what he had said.

"Well, I'm going to see Shota now!" Nemuri says as she makes a quick escape.

Toshinori just let out a small laugh seeing Nemuri walks away quickly. "Please, wake up, Shota... We all need you." Toshinori quietly says to himself as he walks over to Eri and the boys.

Sorry for the long updates, school and work has been so annoying

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Sorry for the long updates, school and work has been so annoying. Hopefully after the holidays I can relax a little more and write the chapters. I know so many of you are dying to know what happens next but please don't rush me. Remember I'm one person who has a life outside Wattpad. So please be patient with me. Thanks and much love. Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and new year!!

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