|Coran x reader| M Y L A D Y [35K Special] |

137 11 1


Heh heh... This is really late...

My explanation: Stray Kids...


"Coran~" you whined. You let out a laugh as your husband bowed with a hand behind his back to offer you your Macca's order. "You shouldn't have."

Coran smiled an endearing grin. "Anything for my lady on the day we married." You lifted your wrinkled hand to your heart. As Coran sprinkled you with warm comments and smiles. "Happy 50th Anniversary my love."

"It seems age has caught up to me," you laughed, "but time as no effect on you my gorgeous man."

A chuckled resounded in Coran's chest. "But age only strips us of our insecurities and flaws until the only thing left is our hearts at the purest."

"Oh," you gently slapped Coran's hand, "you haven't lost your touch in words."

"Never have and never will."

Coran lifted his cup in the air and settled it back down to the table. "Remember that one night (y/n)?"

"Which one?" You asked.

"The day we adopted that little golden retriever. The jumpy one."

You clasped your hands together as your eyes widened. "Yes! The little rascal, Doug."

"He was a good pup."

"That he was Coran." A cheeky smile spread across your aged face. "He always took a bite out of your shoes before your left. Oh, but he never touched the shoes you wore for work. My goodness, he was such a good boy."

Coran reached across the table for your hand, feeling only the cold surface. "Ay, he was like a child to us."

You frowned, placing your hand on top of his. Coran closed his eyes, remembering how your hand felt on top of his. No matter how long ago it was, he would still remember how it felt to have your hand resting on his throughout your marriage.

There were no children. You were in an accident and natural birth was impossible for you. So instead, you took on three children from the orphanage. They were a joy to you. Mind you, they were a handful. Lots of toilet mishaps, broken windows and plenty of injuries. Poor Johnny ended up in the hospital once with a concussion.

Eventually, they grew up to have their own families and Coran was left alone with just you. If only time let the two of you stay together just a few more years.

A cancer had grown in secret until one of your children discovered it. You were rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, you only had a few months to live. Your body was already getting ready to pass through this world. It grew while you hung onto your life just long enough to see your first grandchild with Coran.

On your deathbed, you whispered a sweet message for your him. "I know I cannot be the perfect grandmother that you are going to wish you had my child-" A sob wheezed out of your throat as you tried to speak a little further- "But I love you, so very much and I wish that your life in this world will be as fulfilling as mine when I met your grandfather."

Hours later, you flatlined and Coran was left alone.

Coran lifted his glass in the air, staring at a photograph of you across the table. "Happy Anniversary my lady, my love."

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