~Him asking to be in a relationship~

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*Whispers "Hello"

It's Saturday! Time for another update! I hope you've been enjoying this book. I've recently finished writing my first book Voltron Legendary Defender Oneshots. It was sad saying goodbye, but I am glad to have some goal that is within the Voltron Universe. If anyone of you guys has any requests you would like to see happen in this book please do not hesitate to request. Requests are always open, I can't write this book on my own and often rely on friends and those who request.

As always, hope you enjoy this book. Have fun!

Quote of the day:

  "Plant your garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"

- Jose Luis Borges


"Don't be such a fraidy cat! Ask her!" Ms Smith said. She poked her cane into Keith's back out of his door and kept stabbing him persistently. Keith stubbornly stayed put at the door front, holding onto the door frame for dear life, enduring the painful torture. "If you don't ask her, she'll never come around! You have to say at least something to her!" Ms Smith sighed and retreated back. Keith let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, Ms Smith started to bolt toward him. Keith got such a fright and jumped back, out of the doorway. She quickly rushed to the door and locked it behind him.

Keith sprawled on the floor and looked at his locked door in disbelief. "I didn't have the keys in my pocket" He sighed.

"Now go and be a man and ask her!" Ms Smith said. "Yah big wuss!" Keith frowned at the door and picked himself from the marble ground. He shoved his hands into his pocket and descended the stairs and slowly walked to your door. He stared at the closed green door. It took half a minute for one of his hands to leave his pocket and another minute to finally get his act together. He lifted his hand to knock, but the door opened before his hand touched the wood.

"Oh! Hi Keith!" You smiled. Keith flinched at the sudden scare.

"Uh, hey (y/n)" Keith replied.

"I was just about to go upstairs, what was Ms Smith talking about? I heard some commotion upstairs and thought she was watching some show that got her annoyed until I heard your voice. Are you okay?" You asked. Keith gulped. His eyes were looking into yours the whole time. He could hear Ms Smith's voice shouting in his mind.

"D-Do you... Have you ever thought of us being more than friends?" Keith asked. You blushed at his question and nervously rubbed your neck.

"U-Um... J-just a couple times" you stammered. "W-why do you ask?"

"U-Uh... I was just wondering if..." Keith answered. Ms Smith appeared at the corner of your eye, hobbling down the stairs.

"If you two don't get together before I die, I'm going to make sure that you come down with me in my grave just so that you can be with each other for eternity," Ms Smith said sternly. She looked at you and glared at Keith with her eyes glasses down to her nose and her hands firmly pressing down on her cane.

"(y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" Keith blurted out. The question was expected, but you were still so shocked.

"Y-yes!" You answered. Keith's eyes lit up. He suddenly closed the distance between you two and pressed his lips against yours. You were so caught up in the moment that you didn't see Ms Smith smirking with her lips curled up and her eyes glistening with the sparks of victory.

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