~ He leaves for a mission/ Being home alone ~

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So I heard that at least one of you enjoys seeing funny and weird quotes so I decided to spice things up... Not everyone listens to you just because you have inspirational quotes... Everyone is so messed up in the world, it's not okay. We are literally losing any objective facts in this world cause people are inserting too many subjective opinions on the objective world... We need some sort of lifeline of truth otherwise we'll all become Kabuto with no sense or right or wrong and have no Itachi left to bring us back... Because people are just so stupid with these new ideas of the world and humans... I already have hate from gay and transgender people. I have like 300 comments complaining and hating on me on the rules page.





For everyone who was curious about my stance, this is it. I do not support LGBT+ period. But that does not mean that I hate them. I strongly disagree with what they have to say. I believe that there are only two genders because that is how we are made. I am a Christian and I believe that this is how God made us to be. Not 100 different variation of what we are. HECK! Not even animals have this! So coming from a logical angle, why the heck do humans need to have all these things? It doesn't make sense to have all these different genders and attractions when we were made to have only one primal instinct; to have a nuclear family and procreate. Any perversion of that grinds my gears and makes me feel that something is wrong and I know that I am not the only person feeling this.

So to any one of the LGBT+ people who actually stuck around, I do not hate you, I just strongly disagree with what you say. Because I believe we were made to be pure and unperverted.

*Takes a sigh 


Quote of the day!

"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, then you aren't really gone, you just, you aren't here right now" 

- Agent Carolina RvB


"Hey, Keith?" You peeked into the bedroom and saw Keith packing. "Keith, please tell me that you're not doing what I think you're doing." Keith turned around and sighed. 

"Kolivan called," Keith said. It suddenly dawned on you that Keith wasn't wearing his usual shirt and jeans attire. He was wearing something straight from a movie set.

"Mission?" You asked. Keith turned away, staring at his packed bag. "Well, do you really want to be wearing that in the street?" You laughed. Keith flicked his eyes to you. You weren't genuinely laughing. You were rubbing your arm nervously and you were slouched over making weird jokes and remarks.

"I'll only be gone for a week," Keith answered.

"I know," you whispered. Keith slowly walked across the carpeted floor and held you tightly with his arms locking you into his chest. "Please be safe," you begged. You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your teary face into the crook of his neck. Keith pulled your closer and took in a deep sigh.

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