3.) A Sick Natsu~

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"So whats it mean?" i asked with a blush dusted on my face... Why am i blushing?

"W-Well....it's supposed to represent my feelings for you."

"Feelings?" I said as I repositioned myself so i was lying with my head leaning on the wall and my arms holding it.

"Y-Yes...the flame is you.... a-and the star is me... your scarf is supposed to keep us together.. y'know..... inseparable." she said blushing MUCH more this time! I've always had this weird feeling around Lucy... i always thought it was a disease of some sort... but it never went away... And it always came from my heart.

"Luce.. what's it mean.. when your heart beats fast, and you feel shy.. every time a specific persons around?"

"Huh?! W-Wait..... Do you get tense around them?"


"D-Do you blush..?"

"Y-Yes........ its like how i feel when theres food around... i want it...OH! MAYBE ITS A DISEASE. I MEAN, I DID GET SICK TODAY!"


     WHAT?! DID NATSU SERIOUSLY JUST MISTAKE LOVE... WITH A GODAMN DISEASE?! Im disappointed. How could I possibly think that Natsu would understand my feeling?

"Natsu.... THAT FEELING IS LOVE IDIOT! Jeez! How dense can one get?!" i said pouting.

"oh..... Do you love someone Luce?"

"M-Me?! W-Well..... there is this ONE guy...... but we're really close... and I don't wanna end what we have already.."

"Oh.... The sames for me!"


"Y-Yah... we always,go on mission together, i can NEVER go on one if shes not there... and she always gives me food, even when i irritate her.. I dunno, i've never felt this way...especially with her..."

W-Was he describing....me?

"C-Can you describe her appearance?"

"I think... you already know what she looks like..... i mean you always look in the mirror every morning right?..." he said turning his head in my direction with a smirk on his face. He was blushing.....

".....m-me.....?"i asked silently...

" mm... yah...." he said turning his head.


I grabbed his face so he was sitting up and gently placed a kiss on them. Since it was probably his first time.. i wanted him to be calm. BUT IT WAS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. He positioned himself so his whole body was in my direction, and grabbed my waist and SOMEHOW slipped his tongue in! I felt as if i was gonna faint at any moment!! He tongue explored every inch of my mouth and I just let him! I wanted revenge as i began melting into it and I put MY tongue in HIS mouth! He seemed shocked as his eyes opened widely. But he seemed to enjoy it as they slowly closed again. His mouth was warm and... flamey... Our tongues wrapped around each other and Natsu just kept holding me tightly as i tangled my fingers in his soft, salmon, hair. I accidentally touched his sharp tooth and it hurt at first, until i began slowly exploring it. I began running out of breath so i tried pushing him back, but he resisted and pulled back.

"mm...M-Matsu...I cam't...mm... beath...." I said blushing strongly.

     He let go soon after and we both panted for air, leaving only a string of saliva between us. Jeez, he was AMAZING at kissing. My face was probably BEET red because his was as well.

"S-Sorry Luce... i couldn't resist...."

"I-Its fine.!... i enjoyed it...."

"Good! Cuz' you'll need to expect more in the future~" He said grinning.

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Natsu..."

"I love you to, Luce"

We soon let and he went to the couch to sleep as i turned off the lights I heard a faint giggle coming from my window next to my bed.



I woke up the next morning and couldn't believe what had just happened the night before.

Lucy kissed me...

I was SOO happy! I went to wake up Lucy, but she was making breakfast. So i kissed her cheek and checked her reaction to make sure it wasn't a dream i had. She was blushing with a bit of a surprised look on her face as she turned to look at me, but then smiled softly. I smiled back and gave her a tight hug. "NATSU! I NEEDA COOK!" she yelled as she frantically tried to turn off the stove. "Lemme looove youuu"I whined.

"F-Fine!" she pouted.

     A little while later we walked in the guild and Everyone INSTANTLY stared at us. "Uhm...Hello.." said Luce.

"Congrats you guys!" Said Mira coming over to us with a HUGE SMILE.

"C-Congrats for what?"

"Yah... nothing GRAND happened!" i said.

"Cmon' now! Don't play dumb! Happy told us EVERYTHING! From the nurturing, to the gift, and to the kissing~"

"W-WHAT?!" We both yelled at the same time!

"HAPPY YOUR DEAD MEAT!" Lucy yelled as girls from the guild came surrounding her.Especially Erza, who's face was bright red and she had a notepad. She seemed shocked, yet serious.

Same was for me as all the guys came surrounding me, bombarding me with questions.

Until Mira stood on the stage and rang a bell. "Alright Alright everyone! To prove what Happy said, Lets makem kiss!"

Lucys face went bright RED, and i felt mine go red as well. People began pushing us closer and closer. We kissed last night, but this was in front of people. I got annoyed and just kissed Lucy right on the spot. She seemed to overwhelmed with all stress and panic that when i kissed her i guess that was her breaking point as her eyes just turned into circles and she fell right on my chest.

Everyone and i mean EVERYONE began cheering and screaming. Erza just sat there with her eyes wide open and a her face COMPLETELY RED, as i hugged Lucy.

"I-idiot N-Natsu.." I heard Lucy say as she hid her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around me.

I grinned and said out loud

"Love ya Luce~"

"...mggg....L-Love You too N-Natsu..." she said embarrassed.

Everyone began taking pictures and even that one guy (i forgot his name) began painting a portrait of us! Then Gramps came out from nowhere and congratulated us! Mira just squeeled in the background. I gave Lucy one last kiss before Erza grabbed Lucy and yelled "I-I NEED TO BORROW LUCY IF THATS OKAY NATSU!" and she ran out with a bunch of girls chasing after. All the guys then began patting my back and saying congrats.
Then that jerk Gray said, "Congrats for actually getting a girlfriend! Especially with Lucy!"




     Soon enough Gray and Natsu were fighting like always. While Lucy was being forced to answer questions Erza and the girls had, (mostly Erza). And just like that, the two bestfriends had turned into lovers.

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