Chapter 23 - What's in the boot?

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*One month later (Early February) *

Erin Lindsay and Jay Halstead jogged through the busy park, dodging cyclists and other joggers. Their breathing was laboured as they matched each other stride for stride, neither detective spoke a word as they ran in a comfortable silence.

The detectives slowed to a stop at a nearby park bench to catch their breath.

"How did you sleep? Any nightmares lately?" Jay asked, stretching his arms above his head.

"I slept well actually. I haven't had a nightmare in weeks" she replied, smiling up at Jay

Erin stretched her arms up, trying to relieve the ache that was beginning to build up in her shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Jay asked, noticing Erin wince in pain. Erin nodded her head and opened her mouth to respond when their radios crackled to life.

"This is officer Kim Burgess requesting back up on the corner of 5th and Wentworth. Got a suspicious vehicle with a driver refusing to follow instructions"

"50-21 be advised plain clothes officers responding. We are 3 minutes out" Jay said as both detectives started running in the direction of the call.

People watched on confused as the two detectives ran hell for leather down the busy Chicago streets with their guns firmly in their hand.

They rounded the corner to find Burgess and Roman with their guns pointed at the driver of a dark blue sedan. The driver sat with his hands on the steering wheel, staring straight ahead.

"The driver ran a red, so we pulled him up, but he isn't responding" Roman informed them, keeping his gun trained on the driver.

Despite their efforts the driver would not cooperate with their demands to exit the vehicle with his hands up.
It wasn't long before Voight and Olinsky pulled up. Jay filled them in on the situation before Voight stormed over to the car with his gun trained on the driver. He wrenched open the door and dragged the driver out by his ear and shoved him to the ground.

"Something wrong with your hearing?" he roared, earning a smug smile from the man. "Search the car!" Voight commanded. Halstead and Lindsay jumped into action.

The approached the car with their guns drawn. Finding no one else in the car, they cautiously approached the boot. They nodded to each other, not needing words to know what the other was thinking. Jay slowly, cautiously lifted the boot as Erin kept her gun trained on the car.

"No wires" Jay said just loud enough for Erin to hear him before opening the boot all the way. Both detectives were shocked to find a young woman, bloody and unconscious inside. Erin rushed forward to check for a pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when she found a faint pulse.

"Call an ambulance!" she called out as she helped Jay lift the young woman out of the boot and onto the sidewalk.

Jay began CPR as Erin knelt down next to the young woman, begging her to open her eyes.

Voight angrily dragged the driver to his feet and heaved him into the back of a waiting squad car as Burgess radioed for an ambulance.

Onlookers watched on anxiously as Jay continued to administer CPR.
After a few tense moments, the woman's chest heaved upwards and she began coughing as her lungs began to take in oxygen again. She attempted to sit up, panicked by her unfamiliar surroundings but Erin held her down gently.

"Stay still honey. We are with the police. An ambulance is on the way. You are safe now" she comforted, moving the woman's hair out of her eyes.

Jay wrapped a jacket that was handed to him by an onlooker, around the young woman's shoulders who by now had begun to shake from the cold.

The ambulance pulled up and the young woman was loaded inside. Erin jumped in behind her and Jay agreed to meet her at Chicago Med. 

A.N.///// So here it is! I hope you enjoy it! 
So sorry it took so long to get this chapter done. Had a lot of personal stuff going on so had to take a break. I'm doing better now though so hopefully I will be able to update more often. 

Only 3 more chapters left of this book! 
3.1k readers on this book is just amazing! Thank you to each and every one of you beautiful humans! I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement. I never expected the response that I received. I honestly didn't even think that anyone would like my books or even want to read them. 

Eternally grateful that you are all enjoying this book series. I have so many things planned for what I want to happen in the next few books (there will be 5 in total) and have come up with titles for each book  :) 

Until next time my lovelies

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