Chapter 3 - First Day Back

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*One week later*

*Jay's P.O.V*

The sound of Erin's alarm jolted us both from a deep sleep. Erin leant over and switched it off before rolling back over to plant a good morning kiss on my lips.

"Morning beautiful" I smiled, gently pulling her closer to me and planting a kiss on top of her head. Erin smiled, moving to straddle my waist. She bent forward to kiss me and my hands moved to her waist. After a few moments, she pulled back slightly.

"Morning" she whispered, planting a quick peck on my lips before getting up and heading towards the bathroom to get ready.

I got up and made my way into the kitchen to make us each a coffee and some toast, stretching out my aching joints as I walked.

I put the kettle on and popped some bread in the toaster. I heard the shower shut off as I opened the fridge to get the butter and jam out.

A few minutes later, breakfast was ready, and Erin emerged with a towel on her head.

"What's with the towel on your head?" I asked, pointing at the top of her head.

"I was hungry, so I didn't want to wait for my hair to dry before eating. And besides, I was thinking of leaving it down and letting it dry naturally" she replied, sitting down and taking a bite out of her toast. I nodded my head in understanding before eating my toast. "Are you excited to go back to work?" she asked in between mouthfuls.

"Yeah I am. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with you, but I would prefer to be there to have your back" I replied, standing up to clear away our dishes. I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and kissed Erin on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to have a shower.

*20 minutes later*

Traffic was virtually at a standstill as we drove down the busy streets of Chicago. Erin was focussed on the road ahead of us and I was focussed on her. The way her nose crinkled up when someone forced their way into the lane in front of us, or the way her eyes lit up when a song came on the radio that she enjoyed. I couldn't help but stare. She smiled over at me when she noticed me staring, blushing before turning her attention back to the road.

"Why don't you just put the sirens on the get through the traffic?" I suggested, fed up with sitting in traffic.

"Because the longer we are in traffic, the more time I get to spend with you" she replied, grabbing hold of my hand and interlocking our fingers.

*45 minutes later*

We finally made it to the district, parked the car and made our way up the stairs hand in hand. When we reached the top of the stairs we reluctantly pulled apart. Voight is okay with our relationship as long as we keep it professional at work.

A chorus of 'hello's and 'welcome backs' greeted me when everyone noticed me. Our reunion was cut short as Voight burst out of his office, a forlorn yet determined look on his face.

"Heads up everyone, we caught a case" he barked, placing a picture of a young boy up on the whiteboard. "Steven Johnson, age 6. He went missing from Millennium Station three hours ago whilst on the way to a baseball game with his father. Let's talk to the parents, head to the station and see if we can find any witnesses and look into any enemies the family might have" Voight ordered, everyone jumping into action.

"Jay and I will talk to the parents" Erin volunteered, I nodded in agreement.

"Burgess, Dawson. You are with me. We'll head to the station and talk to witnesses" Olinsky stated, as they grabbed their coats and headed out.

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