Chapter 10 - I need to know!

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'Grief is like the ocean;

It comes in waves,

Ebbing and flowing.

Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.

All we can do is learn to swim'

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­*Jay's P.O.V*

Voight had instructed Dawson and I to follow the coroner's van to the M. E's office. Dawson drove, and I sat in the passenger seat; unmoving, unflinching, and completely numb. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. She couldn't be gone. But it had to be true. Who else could it be chained to that wall?

I sat in the car, staring out the window as Dawson followed the coroner's van down the busy Chicago streets.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not notice when Dawson brought the car to a stop outside the M. Es office.

"Jay, we are here" Dawson said, pulling from my thoughts. I got out of the car without saying a word, the entire world around me seemingly going in slow motion.

I could barely find the motivation to lift my feet as I shuffled down the narrow, dingy halls of the medical examiner's office. I take a deep breath before entering the room where the M.E was just beginning his examination of the body we had found in Jenkin's mother's house.

The sound of the body bag being unzipped snapped me out of my thoughts. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air and I raised my hand to cover my nose.

"Do we have an ID yet?" Dawson asked, also covering his nose. The M.E looked up from his clip board and turned to face us.

"No, not yet but I can tell you that this is a caucasian female aged between twenty-five and thirty and she was approximately five feet seven inches. Does that sound like your detective?" he informed us, moving to put a pair of gloves on.

"Yeah it does" I mumbled, averting my eyes away from the body on the table.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. Did Erin have any old broken bones, gunshot wounds, scars or tattoos that might help identify her?" Dawson asked, turning to face me.

"She broke her jaw during a case about four years ago" I announced, the M.E moving to focus his attention on the jaw.

I had to look away as he peeled back the burnt flesh from the jaw so that he could check for the injury I mentioned.

After a few tense moments, he stepped back from the table before speaking. "There is no indication of the injury you were referring to. Now I will have to do a DNA test to get an ID, but I feel comfortable saying that this is not Erin Lindsay" he stated, as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"How long will that take?" I asked anxiously.

"Only a few hours. I will call you later today with the results" the M.E replied, taking a sample of DNA to send off for testing.

I nodded and hurried out to the car.

*At the district*

I climbed the stairs up to Intelligence, a little bounce in my step as I went.

Everyone's eyes were on Dawson and I as we entered the squad room, anxiously awaiting what we had to say.

"It's not her" I announced, everyone letting out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Do we know who it is though?" Voight asked, moving further into the room.

"The M.E is running DNA now, so we should have an ID within the next few hours" Dawson replied, sinking down into the chair behind his desk.

"Well Erin is still out there with this psycho, so someone tell me something!" Voight commanded, his voice booming out across the squad room.

"Jenkins has a brother in Chicago. He works down at the docks" Roman responded, getting to his feet and putting a photo of Jenkins' brother up on the white board.

"Pick him up!" Voight ordered Dawson and Ruzek. They jumped to their feet and took off to do as they were told. 

A.N.//// Sorry this took so long. I wanted to make sure I got it right. I rewrote this chapter like 5 times trying to get it right. I hope you enjoy it!

Until next time my lovelies

AJ  xxxx

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