Chapter 16 - Free at last!

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*No one's P.O.V*

Jay tore open the hatch, pausing to pull out his gun before descending the ladder into the tunnel. The rest of the unit were only a few steps behind him.

When they reached the bottom of the ladder, they raised their guns and turned on their flash lights on.

*Jay's P.O.V*

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting in the tunnel before proceeding forward down the tunnel with Burgess right next to me, the same look of determination on both our faces

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I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting in the tunnel before proceeding forward down the tunnel with Burgess right next to me, the same look of determination on both our faces.

Neither of us spoke as we made our way along the right-hand side of the tunnel. I kicked down each door as we went and hoped that the next door would lead me to Erin.

We got to the last door and paused to gather ourselves before I raised my right leg and kicked down the door. Burgess and I stepped into the room with our guns raised.

"Erin!" I called, holstering my gun, and rushing over to her. Burgess holstered her gun and rushed over, picking the young boy up from out of Erin's lap.

"I'll give you two a minute" Burgess said as she carried the boy out of the room.

I bent down next to Erin and wrapped my arms around her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and began crying into my shoulder.

"I've got you. You're safe now" I soothed, hugging her tighter to my chest as she continued to cry into my shoulder.

*No one's P.O.V*

The two detectives did not move from their embrace for several minutes, neither of them wanting to let go of the other.

"I thought I would never see you again" Erin admitted, pulling back slightly so that she could look into his eyes.

"You aren't getting rid of me that easily" Jay said, a small smile appearing on his face as he gently wiped a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb.

Erin wrapped her arms around him in response, Jay happily did the same.

Neither detective noticed Hank Voight watching them from the doorway, nor did they notice the small smile on his face when he saw how happy they were in each other's arms.

Jay reluctantly pulled out of the embrace, "Would you like me to help you up?" he asked, getting to his feet

"No that's ok" she said, slowly getting to her feet whilst keeping a hold of Jay's arm for support.

Erin moved to take a step forward, but her legs were too shaky to hold her up. Jay quickly scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the room bridal style, Erin hiding her face in Jay's neck.

Jay carried her out to the awaiting ambulance and placed her on the stretcher gently, stepping back slightly to allow Sylvie Brett to do her job.

Burgess rushed over and enveloped Erin in a tight hug, tears of relief flowing down her cheeks.

"I am so glad you are okay" Burgess exclaimed, stepping back from the stretcher. Erin smiled up at her softly.

Voight walked over after finishing his conversation with Ruzek, leaning over to give Erin a small hug.

*Erin's P.O.V*

"Hey kiddo. How are you doing?" he asked, pulling back from the hug slowly.

"I'm doing ok. Is the little boy okay?" I asked, looking around to see if I could see him.

"He's in pretty bad shape so he was rushed off to Chicago Med" Voight replied, a sad smile on his face. Jay remained next to the stretcher, silently watching every move Brett made.

With a nod of her head to Dawson, they loaded me into the ambulance and shut the doors once Jay had climbed in.

It was then that I noticed Jay's appearance; the way his clothes hung off him, the way his cheeks had sunken in, the dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and the stubble on his chin. He looked dreadful.

"Jay, what happened to you?" I asked, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes as I continued to take in his appearance. He looked exhausted, a shell of the man he used to be.

"I missed you" he answered, rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb and smiling at me sadly.

"I missed you too" I cried, understanding what he meant. I would probably be in much worse shape if Jay had been missing for so long. 'How long was I gone?' I thought to myself. I will have to ask Jay later.

*1 hour later*

Jay lay on the bed next to me, one arm holding me to his side protectively, the other slowly gliding up and down my arm.

"Do you know if Carson is okay?" I asked, tilting my head so that I could look into his eyes. God how I had missed those eyes! It was so easy to get lost in them.

"He has a broken arm; broken nose and a few cracked ribs but should make a full recovery" Jay answered, hugging me tighter to him,

"What about Jenkins?" I asked, tensing up at the thought of the man who had held me captive for so long.

"He died in a car accident yesterday evening" Jay answered, his words taking me by surprise, "you don't have to worry about him anymore" he continued, placing a kiss on the top of my head. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his middle, never wanting to let go.

The sound of the door opening made me jump but I quickly relaxed when Natalie poked her head into the room.

"Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting so long" she apologised, putting her gloves on, and walking over to the bed.

"That's okay. How is Carson" I asked, moving into a sitting position and dangling my legs off the edge of the bed. Jay never let go of my hand.

"A few broken bones but nothing that won't heal. His aunt is on her way now" she answered, smiling at me softly. I nodded my head and smiled at her.

*No one's P.O.V*

*30 minutes later*

Natalie finished with her examination, satisfied that Erin was going to be fine – physically anyway.

"Okay, just sign here and you can go home" she announced, disposing of her gloves and handing the form to Erin to sign.

"Thanks Natalie" Erin said gratefully, flashing her a small smile.

"No problem" she replied, smiling in response before leaving the room.

*Knock! Knock!"

Erin jumped at the sudden noise but quickly relaxed when Voight walked in.

"Hey, you ready to go?" he asked, earning a nod from the two detectives in response. 

A.N.////// She is finally free! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

I am working on the next chapter right now but I would like to know if you want another book after this one? I do have a few ideas and my wonderful editor has been helping me brainstorm various things for another book. 

Let me know in the comments or by PM if you would like another book after this one :)

Thank you so much for reading :)

See ya next time lovelies

AJ  xxxx

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