Chapter 19 - Take care of her

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*No one's P.O.V*

The Intelligence Unit arrived back to the district and climbed out of their cars. Atwater opened the back door of his SUV and dragged Zickermann out roughly, tightening his grip when Zickermann tried to resist.

"Sit down!" Voight ordered him, as Atwater threw him into the cage and locked the door.

"I won't tell you anything. You're wasting your time" Zickermann sneered, spitting in their direction.

Voight unlocked the door and slowly entered, eyeing Zickermann up and down. He gradually stepped closer, almost like a lion stalking a gazelle on the Serengeti. Zickermann shifted uneasily on the cold, metal bench; his tough exterior quickly melting away when he realised that the other detectives were not going to stop Voight.

Voight forcefully grabbed Zickermann by the ear, dragging him to his feet and shoving him against the metal grate of the cage.

"Give me names and this can still end peacefully" Voight threatened, his expression hardened.

"Lawyer" Zickermann sneered, smirking up at the team as Voight threw him to the ground in frustration before storming out and slamming the door shut behind him.

Zickermann laughed before turning to face the other detectives, "I'm just busting the old guys chops. I'll give you their names" he chuckled, crossing his arms in front of his chest smugly.

"You really are an arsehole, you know that" Ruzek said, shaking his head in frustration. Zickermann smiled, pissing off every member of the intelligence unit.

Erin Lindsay stormed out to calm down, her partner following closely behind her.

*Erin's P.O.V*

I could not stand being around that animal a moment longer. Jay followed me out silently, although he looked just as pissed off as I felt. He caught up to me and placed a comforting hand on my lower back. I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"He is such an arsehole!" I exclaimed, trying to keep my anger under control.

"Yeah he is" Jay agrees, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets.

"I'm going to grab something from the vending machine. Do you want anything whilst I'm there?" I ask him, walking over to my desk to grab my wallet.

"Yes please" he replies, taking a seat behind his desk, checking out my backside as I bent over to get my wallet out of my bag.

"What do you want?" I ask, walking over to stand in front of his desk.

"Um I don't know. Surprise me" he replied, flashing his signature smile. I nodded and made a quick exit before I got us both fired for inappropriate behaviour in the work place.

*10 minutes later*

Jay came sprinting towards me as I rounded the corner, "Voight got the names of the rest of the robbery crew members. Let's suit up" he announces before turning on his heel and jogging back down the hall. I followed quickly behind him, grabbing my badge off my desk before jogging to catch up to the rest of the unit in the armoury.

Jay helped me fasten my vest on tight and gave my hand a quick squeeze before we all got in our cars and sped off to the address that Mouse had sent to all our phones.

Jay and I never said a word as I sped down the busy Chicago streets with the lights and sirens on.

We arrived at the location to find the men we were looking for back out of their driveway in a silver Hyundai sedan. We gave chase as they peeled off down the street.

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