2 • Violate

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I head to my locker to gather my things for first period. I feel someone come up from behind me and hold me tightly. Zayn.

He kisses my cheek. "Hey babe, why didn't you text me?"

"My mom took my phone so."

He nods. "What did she say?"
"I...She just gave me a lecture and she said that you can only come over when she's home, we can only be in the living room and she's now driving me to school."

Zayn rolls his eyes. He grabs my ass and says "Well that's alright. Maybe you can jerk or suck me off under a blanket. They do it all the time in pornos."

I roll my eyes. "This is real life Zayn." "Okay but we can still do naughty things. Don't act like you didn't like it yesterday..."

I bit my lip. "I mean...it felt good obviously but, I don't think we should do it again and I told my mom I wouldn't so..." I shrug. "Oh baby. You know you're a little freak you just don't wanna admit," he says slapping my ass. Hard.

"Zayn, I thought I asked you to stop doing that yesterday?" I say sternly. "Oh, I thought that was just an in the moment thing." I give him a look. "Can you just go please?"

"Whatever. I'll see you at lunch babe." He says squeezing my ass again and then heading to his class.

He's so frustrating. I like him a lot, but I think I'm nothing but a cum rag to him now. We used to go on dates, and he used to surprise me things and we used to watch movies and cuddle and do stuff without being so sexual. Now that's all he wants. I shouldn't have even let him do what he did yesterday. I'm so stupid.

I feel tears flow out of my eyes and my pencil case falls on the floor. I go to pick it up but someone bends down and picks it up for me. Justin.

"Are ... you good?" He asks. I nod. "You don't look like it." I wipe my tears and sniff. "I'm fine it's just..."
"Your boyfriend?" I nod. He rolls his eyes. "He's such a douchebag? Do you really like him?"

I open my mouth to speak when the first period bell rings and Justin and I rush to class.

It's lunch time. Which means that I'm going to have to see Zayn. We need to talk anyways.

I grab my lunchbox from my locker and head to his lunch table. It's a little annoying because it's really just his friends from the football teams eating like pigs. But Zayn insists that I sit there because well... I'm his.

I take my normal seat next to Zayn and he grabs me by the waist, and kisses me on the cheek. "How are you baby?" He asks. "I'm okay," I say. There's some tension between us but we both ignore.

Zayn insists on repeatedly kissing my cheek, rubbing and squeezing my boobs- even though I pushed his hand away. His friends kept staring at them and I felt stupid. Especially since I was wearing a tank top.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Bryce asked looking at me. "Excuse me?" I ask. "I mean how do you plan on screwing now that your mom walked in on you?"

"Bryce!" I hear Zayn holler out. I gulp. "I mean, she... we didn't...I-I..." I felt so embarrassed, they didn't need to know Zayn and I did anything.

"Tell me, is this man as big as he brags?" Bryce asks. I shake my head, "Wha-what? How would I know?"

"Don't lie. He's fucking you. He already told us how tight you are." Bryce says winking.

"We haven't done anything! I'm still a virgin."

Bryce scoffs. "Zayn tell them that's the not the truth" I say.

Zayn bites his lip and his eyes dart in between me and his friends. "Babe, I'm not gonna lie to my homies."

His 'homies,' hoot and holler and I quickly get up. I was so embarrassed and pissed. Zayn lied about us having sex and now his friends think I'm a slut. "Babe, where are you going? There's nothing to be ashamed of," Zayn says.

"Stop it Zayn, we're done," I say before walking away. I leave the cafeteria and make my way to the unused janitors closet and start crying my eyes out.

It's the end of the day. I'm at my locker gathering my things. Zayn doesn't come up to me, thank goodness.


I turn around, Justin. "Umm, hi." I say. "Are you ready to go?" He asks. "Go where?" He lets out a little laugh. "Remember, you're coming over to my place to watch the movie for Spanish? Unless you forgot..."

"Oh. Right. I can make it, just let me tell my mom that I have plans."

"Okay, meet me at my car?"


I begin to text my mom when Bryce, Zayn and a couple of other guys on the football team start whistling at me. I ignore them and decide to leave the building.

"Oh my gosh, did you hear that her and Zayn fucked?"
"Yea, her mom walked in too."
"What a dumbass."

I hear some girls say. There talking about me. I want to say something but I can't. I quickly leave the building and make my way to the student parking lot.

I can't believe he did that.

I see Justin at his car.

"Hi," I say.
"Hey," He gets in the car and begins to drive us to his house. "You Okay? You seem... agitated."

"I think so...I think I'm ok."
"What's on your mind?"
"You probably know."
He hits his lip.

"So you do know," I say. He nods. I start crying and I feel him rub my shoulder. "Hey It's Okay, we all do things. I'm not a virgin either."

I take a deep breath. "But that's the thing, I am. He told everyone we had sex and we didn't. Now everyone thinks I'm some slut."

"Hey, I don't."

"Thanks ??"

"He shouldn't have done that. He violated your privacy and said false things about you. I'm sorry."

"It's...Whatever. Thanks for believing me tho."

"Are you gonna talk to him about it?"

"No. I ended our relationship. He's got too much pride."

"Okay then."

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