"So what's the plan?"

"Plan?" Marco tilts his head.

"Yeah, if you're going to woo her you might as well have a plan. Do you even know what you're going to say?" The blonde's nerves heighten as his companion babbles on. What if you reject him? Then what? His well thought out strategy could all be for naught now that the seed of doubt has been embedded.

"I'll figure something out Thatch." He silenced the male before taking a walk for clearance.

Various thoughts engulfed the Pineapple's head as he strolls throughout the ship.

"Hey, Marco!" A voice calls out. "Are you doing okay? You seem out of sorts." A fellow crewmate said.

"Ah, yeah I'm fine just thinking about stuff." He informed.

"Oh! I got you. For a second I was going to suggest you see the ship's doctor, (Y/n)." The man chortles pointing to the small line of people. Just then an idea pops up. He smirks patting his comrade's back.

"I just might do that after all. Maybe a check up will help.

Waiting in line was excruciating to the blonde, with every passing minute the probable outcome has his palms sweating and the closer to your office, the more weak he felt. Knees buckling as well as his legs growing heavy as if it were going to stay glued to the floor.

"Next!" You hoot. Your voice so melodic his entire body felt like jelly. Marco gulps the lump in this throat then takes a deep breath fixing his composure before entering. When entering, you welcome him with a warm smile. The lighting from your window allowing it to compliment your silky smooth skin. Eyes holding a familiar of a gleam that is joy. A joy that makes you who you are. That same part being something he adores.

"Marco? Welcome!" You chime. "What a surprise to see you here. Please take a seat." You pat the exam table reviewing the forms in your clipboard. Not a moment sooner did he take a seat as your requested. "Okay Phoenix what seems to be the problem?"

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