"So, are you and Ed dating?" He asked not looking up from his menu.

"Well not exactly, no" I replied waiting for him to look up.

"Hmm, how interesting. Have you slept with him?"

"Clay" I gasped. "I haven't seen you in years and this is how you begin our catching up with?!" 

"I supossed it is wrong" Clay sighed out. "So how is life?" 

"Great, I've been thinking about going back to school but if I do that I won't be able to work anymore"

"Well why is that?"

"Work hours wouldn't cooperate withschool hours. It's a damn shame" Clay looked up at me, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What exactly do you do again?" He asked. I paniced, I had to make up a job quick.

"I help rising artist with musical things, y'know" I rambled on about my job, making everything up. I'm pretty sure it's not even a real job.

"Well sounds important. Mom and Dad miss you" Clay said quietly.

"I don't care Clay. I left for a reason now don't even bring it up or I will leave"

"Well you think just leaving us to run away with some boy who ended up just dumping then leaving you in this town than never coming back is ok?" Clay furrowed his brows. "I bet that's why your living with that Ed guy"

"You know damn well I was young and stupid then" I snarled. "That was years ago, I've made a living here. I haven't always been happy here Clay but right now I sure as hell am. I am happy living with Ed so far, I am sure as shit that I am happier here now than I ever was with you guys. Don't be so quick to judge Ed, you don't know what he did for me. Now excuse me I am leaving" I stoop up abruptly and marched out the door pulling out the cheap phone. I went to the only contact the phone had and pressed the 'call' button. After a few rings it went to voice mail. Looking at the time I realized he's still preforming. Hesitating on what to do I just decided to stay the night at a near by motel since it was late and the street weren't exactly safe at night. I handed the man at the desk the remaining money in my purse and recived a room key. I knew my way around the motel and found my room. I layed down on the bed, the room getting darker as the sunset set and was replaced by the moon. I found myself dozing off then finally falling asleep, not something I usually do in a motel.

Eds P.O.V

I had just arrived home, I expected to be greeted by a wonderfully beautiful girl with her oh-so delicous cooking but instead the empty silence welcomed me. Half of me was terrifed that she left, the other half convinced she was still out with her brother. I whipped out my phone from my jean pocket, begging she would answer and save me from all the rising insecurities. With each ring my hope decreased. When she fianlly picked up a smile broke out on my face.

"Hello?" She croaked.

"Someone sounds sleepy" I said so much more reliefed. I walked outside and gazed up and the stars as we talked.

"Yeah sorry, my brother and I got into a little bit of a fight so I just crashed at a motel close by" Marilyn said yawning.

"Don't be sorry lovely, It's fine" 

"So what's up Sheeran?" I could hear her cute giggle.

"As stupid as it sounds I am currently looking at the stars" I admitted.

"Awe how cute Ed!" She cooed. I chuckled, shaking me head even though she couldn't see me.

"Pick me up though hun?" Marilyn whined letting out another yawn after.

"Y'Sure" I said. "Right around the corner of Howies right?" I was already in my car starting it up when she gave me directions.


Marilyn feel asleep on my shoulder on the way home. I tried to carry her in but resulted in waking her up.

"Oh I'm sorry" I whispered to her. She smiled sleeply.

"Ed?" She said with her eyes starting to close. "Take me where you were looking about the stars, I want to see them too. Lets lay out in the grass" Marilyn suggested. I carried her bridal style into the back yard and set her down gently in the grass and I sat a foot away gazing up at the stars with her.

"So what happened with your brother?" I asked looking at her. The moonlight made her eyes pop out in a whole new shade of blue while the stars shone so brightly it made her look angelic.

"Lets not talk about that" She scooted over to me. "Lay down with me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes and sticking her bottom lip out slightly. Marilyn layed down on her side as I lay on my back. I wrapped my arms around her  securely as she wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled into the chest.

"The stars look so pretty, Ed. It's no wonder you watch them. Its a gorgeous view"

"The stars aren't the only pretty thing here my love" I said softly. Marilyn looked up at me smiling with a faint blush.

"You're such a great guy, you're just so well imperfectly perfect. If that makes sence" She giggled and I laughed.

"It does in a way" I said. She squeezed her arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest more. 

"Can I say that I don't want this moment to end?" Marilyn mumbled into my chest.

"It's just so perfect" I say.

"Not perfect, it's almost perfect" She said look up at me again holding a loving gaze. I noticed her leaning in little by little and I was doing the same.

"How could we make this moment perfect Marilyn?" I whispered, our lips brushing against each other.

"Like this Ed" Then she pressed her lips to mine and a firework sensation was lit throughout my body. She pulled away and I could feel my face burning up.

"Now we can call this moment perfect" She said snuggling back into my chest. I heard her breathing go slow and steady. I looked down at my sleeping angel.

"The stars have never shined brighter" I whsipered "They must be shining out for you" I kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight Marilyn"


I'm updating so much on this story because I love it so much! AHHH! 

Hope you loved it! Tell me what you think!


Perfect Ed Sheeran over -->

-Lexi. xx.

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