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Chapter Three- Starbucks

My eyes fluttered open, the quiet beeping coming from my phone waking me up. I rolled over to

check who it was, only to see it was Harry. The text read ‘Hey Chlo, good morning, wanna hit up


                I just smiled and replied with a quick ‘Yes J’ and he replied telling me he’d meet me there inhalf an hour. I decided on wearing a colorful tank top and jean shorts with flip flops and a cute bracelet since it was warm today and put my hair up in a high wavy ponytail. I got another text, it was from my mum,  just telling me she wouldn’t be home that night because she was going out to dinner. I didn't think much of it. 

                As I drove down to Starbucks, which wasn’t too far away, I started noticing crowds of people,

more and more as I got closer to Started approaching Starbucks. Yup, I thought to myself, Harry was

definitely there. School wasn’t bad at all since we went to a special private school just to finish off high

school, so there was never crowds of teens or paps around.

I got through the crowd and to the door. Two security guards blocked the


"I'm here to see Harry," I yelled over the screaming girls. Shockingly, they

believed me and let me pass.

I scanned the room for Harry. Found him. Or at least his guards. I sat down in

the chair across from him.

"Ummm... Are those guards gonna stay there while we talked?" I whispered.

"Paul," Harry said. The guard turned to Harry. Harry nodded his head. The guards

walked away.

"How have you been?" Harry asked.

"I've been good. Are you excited about our  school trip to Paris?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see the Eiffel Tower," Harry replied.

A waiter came over to our table.

"Good Morning. May I take your order?" the waiter asked politely.

"I will have a coffee," I said.

"What size?" she asked.

"Small please."

"Ok. And what would you like?" she asked Harry.

"A small coffee please," Harry said.

"Ok, I will be right out with your order," the waiter said, walking away.

"Oh, that reminds me. I gotta go shopping for Paris," I said.

"May I join?" Harry asked, grinning.

"Of course you can, Hazza," I said smiling.

"What do you need to go shopping for?" he asked.

"You know, new clothes," I said.

"Ah, I see," Harry replied, "Hey can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Well, about the kiss, or whatever you want to call it..."

"Oh, well, I think we should just put it behind us," I answered.

"Yeah, ok." Harry said. "Can I ask you something else?"


"Ok, well, Chloe I’ve known you for forever and I really love hanging out with you. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out-"

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