Chapter 14.

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this chapter  is dedicated to aliyataj and LonelyCat :) , thanks guys! xx.

[not edited]



 Three days ago…

"I'm willing to pay fifteen million dollars If you succeed in accomplishing the task within four days time.", I said authoritatively to the stunned man sitting across me.

"Within four- four days?. Mr Pierre, it will take more than a week to set everything up.", he replied back in shock.

"As you can see, I'm not interested in knowing how you'll be able to manage it, I just want the job done right.", I said in annoyance. "I'll throw in an extra five million if it attains my standard and we both know how high my standard is."

 The pitiful man took out his pocket handkerchief and rubbed off the beads of sweat on his forehead, "It will be done Mr Pierre. I'll take your leave sir.".



After closing off another successful deal, I drove straight towards Kathryne's house. I wondered what would her reaction be after she received the news. The three days passed peacefully without any disturbance from that woman. I don't know how will I be able to stand her presence when we will be living under one roof.

Parking the car outside her house, I briskly walked up to her door and knocked hard on the cold piece of wood. The door was suddenly jerked opened and I came face to face with an irritated

looking Kathryne.

 "What in the world are you doing here!.", she growled out.

"Good afternoon to you too.", I replied back and entered the place without her permission. I moved towards the living area and made myself comfortable on the sofa. 

I heard her groan in irritation which made me smirk in return. I heard her walk more like-stomp all the way to the living room and stood in front of me with her arms across her chest. 

"Let me rephrase my question, what do you want Xavier?!.", she asked angrily.

I took out my phone and started scrolling through the important emails I had to answer, "I came here to inform you that I want you to clear everything on your schedule tomorrow.".

I didn't need to take a look at her to know that she had a murderous look on her face.

"And why should I clear my schedule for you, your highness!."

I grinned and looked back at her, "Because one, I said so and two, tomorrow will be a lot hectic for you and you probably wont have time to do anything at all.".

She looked at me in confusion and uncrossed her arms, "Get straight to the point and tell me what's so important about tomorrow!.".

I stood up and moved towards the front door but before opening it, I turned around and finally relieved her from any confusion, "Why Kathryne, tomorrow's our wedding day." with that said, I opened the door and walked away.


Entering the penthouse, I removed the heavy jacket on me and threw it carelessly on the couch. Quickly ordering some food from a near restaurant, I walked towards my built-in bathroom and took a long calming shower. I finished getting dressed just in time when the food arrived.

After paying the guy, I ate the food like a starved man and tiredly lounged on the couch while watching a baseball match. A while later I heard the front door open and quickly shut back. John walked in the living room looking flustered and scared.

"What the hell happened to you?!", I asked him when he started pacing in front of me.

"I don't know man. One minute I'm enjoying a nice lazy lunch with the guys and the next, I'm receiving a voice-mail full of curses from Nina that would have made a sailor blush!.", he replied exasperatedly.

"You really do know how to pick 'em.", I sarcastically said which only earned me a glare from him. He opened his mouth to retort a nasty comeback but was suddenly cut off when we heard a loud banging on the front door. John looked at me questionably but I just shrugged in return and stood up. 

I followed him up to the front door and watched him open the door. John immediately backed a few steps when he saw an angry looking Nina on the doorstep.  She came in like a hurricane and thwacked him on the chest. He winced and rubbed the part where she hit him.

"You bloody jerk!. We have some serious talking to do.", She screeched out which made me wince in discomfort.

She didn't wait for John to answer her back and swiftly turned her glazing brown eyes on me, "I really wish I could stab your cold  heart with a sharp knife but that would only dirty up my hands but get this straight Xavier, if you cause any more pain to Kathryne, I wont hesitate to commit a murder.", she venomously said.

I just raised an eyebrow at her and smirked, "You wouldn't want to kill your friend's husband-to be now would you?, especially when she's getting married to him tomorrow.".

She gasped and stared at me in shock. She looked at John one last time before storming away. John kept on calling her name but she got in her car and drove away. 

After a minute of silence between us, he cleared his throat and looked at me in surprise, "So, are you really getting married tomorrow?!."

No shit Sherlock!. 


Yay!, an early update!. Only for you guys :) , thank you for your votes and comments. I dedicate a chap to a an awesome comment so keep on vommenting ;)

xx midnight_beauty.

His Kathryne.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن