Chapter 5.

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(continuing in Xavier's P.O.V.)

"What the hell is wrong with you man!?.", John demanded while picking up the file from the ground. "Why did you react like that?", he asked curiously.

i stayed seated  on the couch, too shocked to process what John was rambling about  but that didn't stop him from talking again.

"I mean the girl is not that bad, she is actually hot compared to all those blonde bimbos you dated. I wonder If she has a sister.", John said with a grin plastered on his face.

That shook me out of my dazed state. I knew John was only joking about it but that didn't stop me from clenching my fists and throwing a glare at him. 

"Whoa, take it easy man. I was teasing only.", he said with his hands up while his face was contorted with confusion. 

I sighed and walked towards the window. This newly found discovery made the situation more complicated than it was before, it will take a whole lot of persuasion to make this woman agree to my plan but I won't stop till I am freed from this problem. 

I turned around and faced John's questioning stare. I brushed my hand through my hair and pinched the bridge of my nose then sighed loudly.

"She's the reason I came back late.", I said making John give me a 'come straight to the point' look. 

I tightened the fists at my sides and spoke again, "She's the woman I saved from the alley thief."


"What's wrong dear, why the sad face?". Mrs A asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing's wrong Mrs A. I'm just tensed about college that's all.", i smiled reassuringly at her. She looked a me skeptically, like she didn't buy my poor excuse and took hold of my hand.

"I know there is something disturbing you dear, you haven't been yourself lately. Where did my jolly Kathryne go?.", Mrs A asked.

I smiled at her and let out a breathy laugh, "She is right here Mrs A. She just misses her best friend."

Mrs A squeezed my hand lightly and laughed, "I told her to tell you but looking at your condition right now I guess she didn't.".

I looked at her confusedly. Tell me what?. I was just about to voice my thoughts when she spoke again.

"You will soon get to know what I'm talking about.", she smiled and walked away. I shook my head and continued to work. Sometimes it's too hard to understand this lady but I will still love her nonetheless.

I finished cleaning the tables and walked towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. The cafe is going pretty well these days, almost full everyday and it really keeps me on my toes. 

"Hey Gino. Got anything for me?.", I asked the cook. Dave has been working here since the cafe started. I still remember the first time he introduced himself when I joined the cafe, he looked like the person you don't want to mess with but when I got to know him better, I discovered that he really is an absolute sweetheart.

"Of course. I always prepare something special for my bambino.", he said while placing a plate of strawberry cheesecake and cookies with milk on the side. I smiled at his warming caring gesture. I got up from my seat and placed a kiss on his cheek and gave him a big bear hug. For an old man, he sure looks like a fluffy teddy bear.

"Ok ok, enough with the hugs. Go on, start eating and you better finish every single piece of food in that plate, capito?.", he said.

"Sì signore.", I mocked salute and started munching on a cookie. He chuckled and went back to finish his work. 

I closed my eyes to savour the delightful taste of chocolate when suddenly striking blue eyes flashed through my mind. I gasped and quickly opened my eyes. He even haunts my thoughts when I'm eating. 

"This is too much!. Why can't you just leave me alone!.", I groaned loudly.

"Well I'm sorry for thinking that you missed your best friend. Is this the kind of welcome I get after dragging my ass all the way here from Paris to see you.", a familiar voice spoke behind me.

I turned around and there she was, my best friend Nina, standing near the kitchen door with her hands on her tiny waist.

"Nina!.", I screamed her name loudly and quickly moved out of my chair to hug her. 

"I missed you so much Nin Nin.", I whispered softly while I hugged her tightly. 

She laughed and hugged me back, "That's more like it and I missed you so much too Katy Kat. It feels great to be back here in London.". I smiled and released her out of my grasp.

We talked about the summer holidays and the amazing time she spent in Paris learning fashion designing. We were both so engrossed in our conversation that we soon forgot about the time.

"Crap!. I better get back to work. Time flies when your having fun.", I mumbled disappointedly. I stood up and was about to leave when Nina spoke up.

"Hey, don't worry Mrs A gave you the rest of the day off. She said your really quiet these days and you need some time off.", she said with concern in her eyes.

I sighed silently and sat down. How can I tell Nina about him. I don't even know his name till now for God's sake and he is the one who saved me. Way to go Kathryne!. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nina started clicking her fingers in front of my face. 

"You just zoned out on me for a while back there. What's wrong Kathryne and you better tell me the truth or else.", she warned me with an evil glint in her chocolate brown eyes. I gulped audibly and nodded weakly. I really didn't want to get on her bad side because this girl is really insane, she tends to do crazy things without a care. Sometimes I wonder how did we even become friends, I mean we are two poles apart. 

"Okay, I will tell you everything but only if you promise not to do anything about it.", I pleaded her. She nodded and made an act of crossing her heart. I rolled my eyes at her when she looked at me with ther puppy dog eyes. something tells me that she will do exactly the opposite of what I asked her to do.

"Lets got to our favourite coffee shop and talk about it. I really missed it here.", she said while pulling on my hand to make me stand. I laughed and stood up. 

"Welcome back Nin Nin."


Hey there!! :) . so sorry for taking too long to post another chap. the exams were killing me but thank god im dont with that.

Please vote, comment and fan... I would reeeeeeallly love to know what you think abt this chap... and thank you so much for reading this book...xx

Naj157. :)

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