Chapter 8.

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[not edited]

Kathryne's P.O.V.


My whole body was seething with anger. How dare he talk about us, women like we're some dirty street trash. He should thank his lucky stars that he wasn't facing me right this moment because I would have slapped his arrogant face so hard, he would have remembered it for the rest of his miserable life.

"Please excuse my friend Miss Kathryne, he isn't feeling like himself tonight. I sincerely apologize on his behalf.", John stood up and came to where Nina and I were standing.

I glanced at Nina and saw that she was wearing the same expression as I was and no doubt thinking about smacking Mr.Jerk-face as well.

I let my eyes wonder around for a bit and surely there was a good amount of people starring at us, me to be more specific. I turned away from the stares and closed my eyes for a brief moment to calm myself down.I opened my eyes and slightly nudged Nina, who was still throwing daggers at Xavier's back. If only eyes could kill, he would've been buried six feet under right now. She huffed and moved towards her seat beside John, who was still standing  there patiently waiting for her to sit down. 

I silently took my seat beside Mr Jerk-face and tried to ignore his presence. I looked ahead, not wanting to see his face and started a conversation with John. 


Throughout the whole dinner I felt his eyes burning holes through me. Every single movement i made, I felt his unfaltering stare on me making it hard for me to relax and enjoy the night. While I kept squirming in my seat with discomfort, Nina seemed to be enjoying her time with John. I sighed and propped my elbows on the table, wishing I was back home enjoying a nice book with a bottle of wine instead of mingling with a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything.

"Is that pink hair I see?!", Nina spoke out loud, bringing me back to reality. I looked up and saw John's face turn red from embarrassment. 

"It's nothing really. Just a bad experiment I had.", John said, trying to act cool about it. 

I heard a husky chuckle beside me making my insides tingle with an unfamiliar emotion. I mentally shook my head and silently continued eating silently. 

"Why so quiet over there Kathryne, you feeling alright?.", John asked while Nina gave me a worried look.

"I'm fine.", I smiled up at him. " It's just that the steak is so delicious, I cant take my attention off of it.", I added quickly.

John laughed and nodded in agreement. "It is quite delicious. It's Xavier's favourite choice whenever we come here."

I suddenly lost my appetite when he said that. I still felt his gaze on me making goosebumps appear on my skin. I gritted my teeth in annoyance and fisted my hands on the sides.

I turned my head to the side and glared at him.

"Would you stop..", the remaining sentence died on my mouth when I got a look at his profile. I gasped in recognition while he just sat there with a smirk plastered across his face.

"You!", I bellowed harshly, not caring about the looks I was getting. 

I couldn't believe that the jerk-face was actually my saviour, the guy I spent all night thinking about!.

"How have you been Kathryne.", he spoke calmly looking straight into my eyes. I glanced at Nina who was giving me a questioning look while John looked uncomfortably between me and Xavier.

"I need some fresh air.", I murmured. "Excuse me.". I stood up form my seat, turned around and headed straight outside. 

I was glad that Nina didn't follow me outside cause I really needed to get a hold of myself. So many questions consumed my mind. So busy with my thoughts, I wasn't aware of the person who stood behind me untill he spoke.

"You do know that leaving the table in the middle of the meal is not proper?", he said.

Like he knows what manners are!

I turned around to face him and asked the one question which was bothering the hell out of me.

"Who are you?!,", I asked, not backing out from his stare. He arced a fine bro up and spoke the words which made me stop breathing for a while.

"Xavier Pierre. Only son of the late David Pierre, solely heir of my father's billionaire company and your soon to be husband.".


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