Chapter 4.

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This chapter is dedicated to MusicIsMyImmortal.. Thank you hon :) .



I stared at The Shard from the office balcony, trying to take my mind off of things. The calm London breeze blowing through my hair was soothing my angry posture but the minute I close my eyes, her vulnerable eyes flashes through my mind making me tighten my hold on the balcony railings. The incident strengthened the need  for me to protect her, not only because dad wanted me to keep her safe but also because when I held her shaking body closely in my arms, I felt some sparks ignite through me. There was something about  her that aroused the fire in me.

I groaned annoyingly at myself for thinking too much about it. It's just pity that's all. My need to protect her is not out of affection but only out of pity. I have to stay focused and sharply think of a way of getting myself out of the situation dad left me in. 


Earlier that day [before the incident happened.]

Seven hours later, John and I walked out of the busy London Heathrow Airport and headed straight towards the penthouse I bought situated in the heart of London. The jet lag soon kicked in the minute we reached the penthouse.  We decided to take the rest of the day off to relax and to explore the global city of London.

After taking a short peaceful nap, I decided to take a stroll around the area. The sun was still peeking out from the clouds showing no signs of leaving the sky. I walked out of my room and moved towards the living area where John was lazily sitting on the sofa with a remote control in his hand and a bowl of nachos on his lap.

"Mind joining me for a stroll ?", I asked John who was busy munching away on his snack while staring intensely at the television.

"No thanks man, maybe next time.", he replied without taking his eyes off the movie which was playing. I shrugged and walked out of the apartment. 

I shoved my hands inside my pockets while walked down the street. It was mid-February, one of the coldest months in UK. I kept on moving from street to street, exploring the places around me. The cold air brushed through my hair when I turned towards a quiet alley. The silence gave me some time to think about the situation dad left me in. I just started managing the business all on my own accord and I was in no state of thinking about full time commitment. Heck!, I will not agree to be tied down to a woman whom I never knew closely. Granted she may be the daughter of my father's best mate who spent her childhood years with me but that was all the information I managed to obtain from mom. 

I suffered an accident when I was ten years old which caused me to lose most of my childhood memories. It was useless for me to try to remember her because after the accident no one spoke about her so why bring her up after all these years?!. God know's how she may be right now. 

Suddenly I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard a piercing cry for help. I quickly ran towards the direction where the sound came from. The scene in front of me made my blood boil in my veins and I snapped. I roughly pulled the robber away from the girl he was assaulting and vented all my anger on him. I kept on punching him but he quickly maneuvered from my hit and made a run for it. 

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